Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dating: We Don't Need a Mans Approval

I have no idea why or how this ever happened, but somewhere in time, women became known as “the weaker sex.” My question is; "Says who?" Tell that to Joan of Arc, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Mother Teresa, Annie Oakley, Susan B. Anthony...oh and how about Jackie O?  Obviously those women, along with so many of your friends, family and even coworkers would strongly disagree. I sure do. Women today have just as much fire and spunk and guess what? We are untouchable. So since when are we the weaker sex? When someone makes that lame statement, I have to ask myself, "Who the hell came up with that?" Why should women be thought of to be any less than men?

Never, ever, ever should any woman surrender herself to get the approval of a guy? You’re falling for an idea that psychologists call the “approval trap.” Before you start to defend yourself, yes, it’s great when you get affirmation from friends and co-workers for what you do.  The problem is when you depend on their approval for who you are. See the difference? Handing over your self-esteem to anyone is a dangerous and usually damaging choice. The person whose approval you believe that you must have can respond honestly or dishonestly and that might just change everything.

To attract a man who is secure in himself and ready to be an equal partner in a relationship, you have to be that kind of person. Like minds attract. If you’re an insecure and clingy woman who has no idea who she is, then why do you think you’ll attract a man who is the opposite? The type of man that you don’t want is counting on you to play the old role of doing whatever it takes to snag him. So you get a hair cut and color at a shop that just took an entire weeks paycheck. Really? Then you change your wardrobe from business classic to streetwalker glam because that’s what he likes. You “learn” to drink or smoke because he wants you to do it even though you’ve been adamantly opposed to both. In no time, you're making lame ass excuses to ditch your friends because he wants to “be alone” or “expand your circle.” Do you really think that this is the way to snag this guy? Giving up your life and your identity to be his personal toy? No, No No! Bad deal for you, great deal for him. You're not a puppet. You have a mind of your own, so use it! 

History also shows men as pursing the chase of the buried treasure type women. When motivated that the prize is worth the effort, men go to any lengths to win. What if that treasure is you? We aren't some prize that you can win, and we sure as shit are not trophy wives or girlfriends. Are you presenting yourself as a treasure, a person of great worth? There really is no need to. Just by being "you" presents yourself authentic self. Don't ever try to be anything other than yourself for a man. If he doesn't love you for who you are inside and out, he is certainly not the right type of man for you. The right kind of man respects consistency and self esteem in a woman and he won’t ask you to change into something you aren’t. I believe in meeting in the middle 50/50 in relationships, but seriously, if you are changing your ways for a man and living by his rules you are doomed and you're now under his control. You deserve better and you deserve someone who will treat you as his equal. Like the women of the past, our legendary history of women, we need to be strong like they were. As always, and I say this over and over time and time again...BE TRUE TO YOU! 

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