Monday, April 30, 2012

Do You Have Cellulite?

Cellulite – The worst thing that any woman could have and experience that's so damn hard to get rid of....So what it is exactly, and how does one get it? It’s that ugly little problem that causes your skin to wrinkle up and look like an orange peel. Has it happened to you? Hey listen, I'm, 48 not a dinosaur. I want to stay looking good, not gross and should too. So what its it and how the hell do we get rid of it? Oh if there were a magic pill for this I would own the patent to it for sure! No one is 100 percent sure what causes cellulite, but it appears to originate from our own female hormone. In fact, nearly 98% of girls develop at least a small amount of cellulite after reaching puberty. Those back-stabbing hormones of ours seem to be triggered during adolescence, when they begin laying down fat, particularly in the hips and the thighs, by enlarging cells, and let me tell gets worse as we age. Lymph fluids then gradually pass through the tissue and accumulate in areas with poor circulation. The fat then becomes compressed and starts to harden into lumps. Over time, these lumps are visible through the skin. As we get older, our skin and hormones continue to change and it can get worse. Isn't that just great?

Some experts believe that certain lifestyle factors, such as lack of exercise and taking in high levels of toxins, like alcohol and coffee, increase the likelihood of developing cellulite. Bearing this in mind, the best way to treat cellulite is to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid getting it altogether. Me go a day without a can of COKE? Are you serious?

Of course, avoiding getting cellulite isn’t necessarily all that easy. For some women, developing cellulite is simply the result of genetics, a part of the aging process, or due to pregnancy. Furthermore, many of us already have it and just want to know how to get rid of it. 

One way to get rid of cellulite is through exercise. Sitting for long periods of time decreases our body’s circulation. In fact, the most stubborn cellulite deposits are often located right in the area where the leg meets the chair while sitting, most likely because this is the area where the circulation was cut off.
A sluggish circulatory makes it more difficult for the blood and the lymphatic system to send oxygen around the system and to remove toxins. Therefore, regular exercise that can is brisk, yet gentle, is one way to treat cellulite. Swimming and walking are great ways to do this.

Cellulite can also be treated with skin brushing and massage. These forms of treatment help to clear and cleanse the lymphatic system by speeding up circulation. This, in turn, gets rid of cellulite that has been building up for a long time in the body cells. A wooden brush with a long handle is needed for skin brushing. To perform skin brushing successfully, the brushing should be done in an upward direction with firm sweeping strokes. The process should begin at the soles of the feet and gradually move upward on the body. Special attention should be paid to areas that are prone to cellulite. In these areas, the brush strokes should follow a small, circular pattern. Over brushing, however, can irritate the skin and cause reddening.

Weight loss and drinking plenty of water can also help in treating cellulite. Accumulated toxins need to be flushed from the system in order to restore skin tone. The liver, in particular, needs to be cleansed as its job is to help the body filter out toxins. In addition, weight gain will only cause cellulite to worsen. On the other hand, weight loss in a person who is overweight can help decrease the appearance of cellulite.In addition to these methods, there are several creams and lotions available on the market that claim to aid in the reduction of cellulite. Some of these creams can be costly and have little proven effect on the reduction of cellulite.

A more invasive means of treating cellulite is the use of surgery. Cellulite treatment surgeries, such as liposuction, are available which are capable of removing inches of collected fatty tissue from various parts of the body, including the abdomen, legs, arms, back, neck, and face. Who has the monies for this? Its not covered by insurance because its cosmetic. Isn't that just peachy?

Fact: Liposuction does not, however, change the structure of the skin. Therefore, it does not eliminate cellulite forever. In addition, as with any surgery, liposuction has risks. Also, it will not result in the “perfect” body – and it’s not cheap, either. Therefore, it is important to become well-educated about cellulite treatment surgeries before plunging into this form of cellulite treatment.

The dreaded cellulite is very unattractive and no woman is happy to discover a new deposit on her body. Therefore, the best line of defense is prevention – drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to keep your circulation flowing and your body free of toxins. This may help. If anyone has a better idea or more tips, please share them with me so that I can pass them on to other women.

7 Do's and Don'ts for a Healthier Relationship

 Do you know how to build a healthy relationship? Each of us enters into romantic relationships with ideas about what we want based on family relationships, what we've seen in the media, and our own past relationship experiences. Holding on to unrealistic expectations can cause a relationship to be unsatisfying and to eventually fail. Don't confuse sex with love. Don't confuse lust with love. Especially in the beginning of a relationship, attraction and pleasure in sex are often mistaken for love. Respect, respect, respect. Inside and outside the relationship, act in ways so that your partner always maintains respect for you. Mutual respect is essential to a good relationship.
  • Build. Build a foundation of appreciation and respect. I cannot stress this enough. My grandmother used to say "Any one can have a relationship built on sex, but a great relationship should be established and built with a solid foundation to grow and strengthen." Focus on all the considerate things your partner says and does. Happy couples make a point of noticing even small opportunities to say "thank you" to their partner, rather than focusing on mistakes their partner has made.
  • Explore. Explore each other's interests so that you have a long list of things to enjoy together. Try new things together to expand mutual interests.
  • Establish. Establish a pattern of apologizing if you make a mistake or hurt your partner's feelings. Saying "I'm sorry" may be hard in the moment, but it goes a long way towards healing a rift in a relationship. Your partner will trust you more if he or she knows that you will take responsibility for your words and actions.
  • TRUST…this is the primary part of the relationship. Without it you have nothing and if she doesn't trust you, you've got nothing. No sexting, no texting and no meeting other women, not even for coffee. If you are in a committed relationship, honor it. End of discussion. Period.

Keep the Communication Open!
Don’t let life separate you too long. With technology today, you can stay in touch with cell phones and email. No need to overdo it and be obsessive and controlling, but do stay in touch off and on throughout the day with quick “Hellos” and “How are things going?”

Make lemonade out of those relationship lemons. And “yes” there will be some, since life is not perfect! For example, when your partner is late and you miss a movie date or restaurant reservation, don’t make it a night of terror and destroy what’s left when you finally do get together. Do something else instead, like relax at home with a video and scented candles, and order subs (and lemonade!)

Make her HAPPY!
Remember how your felt when you first got together? Do those little things that you did at the beginning and make the 'honey list!' Bring home fresh flowers, send her a text that you miss her or love her, relax together and watch what she likes to watch on television not just golf! Dance with your mate, compliment your mate, make dates to go to places you used to frequent (the old neighborhood pizza parlor, a local drive in and share the stories with her as to why these places have meaning to you.)

Nuts and Bolts
Don’t focus so much on the “nuts and bolts” of who said what, when, how often and why they were wrong…. In other words, sometimes during an argument, try losing your memory of who did what, when and how many times in the past. Instead, humble yourself, apologize for having messed up and hug your mate! No time for fighting, enjoy and savor the moment.

Open windows when doors close. If you feel you’ve been pushed to the limit and don’t want to try one more time, close the door on that angle of the issue. Take a walk, get some ice cream and cool off (literally). Think before you speak. My grandmother taught me this one and it works! Once you say something you regret, its far too late to take it back with that dreaded.."I'm sorry bullshit" Return relaxed and refreshed, and open a window to air differences.

Parental Issues
Even the best of relationships deal with someone’s past parental issues from time to time. Seeking advice from a professional can help, yes, but something out of the blue can still trigger a parental issue that someone struggles to deal with regardless of age, it seems. In these cases, just realizing and stating that it’s normal, may never get resolved and is okay to move on, can work wonders – for both parties. 

Quality vs Quantity
With hectic schedules, quality time is vitally important. I've always said 'quality supersedes quantity.' If you can only see him twice a week and not 5 what? Enjoy the moments that you do have and appreciate the value. Its not how often you see the other person that really matters its the events that led up to that special time that you did have together that should count! So even if you can only meet a few times, make and keep that date. You’ll probably be especially glad you did when times get tough and have the wonderful memories to help get you by.

Bridal Jitters?

That one perfect day that we all dream of from the time we were 5....getting married to our prince. In today's day and age, getting married is nothing like it was almost 30 years ago when I did it, and although the American dream of every woman being like Cinderella is still in full view, why is it that we get so stressed out and full of anxiety leading some women flat out to depression? Hey, it's a lot of stuff to prepare for. Take my advice. Don't ask a lot of people for help or what you will get is everyone arguing and telling you what to do. In the end, it's your feelings that matter. Select what you like, don't settle for anything to make a friend or family member happy. They aren't the ones getting married sister...YOU ARE! Take a big deep breath and focus! You may be having a case of bridal jitters!

Did you know that feelings of anxiety and concern are completely normal prior to a wedding. One or both members of the couple may experience the cold feet phenomenon that overshadows them and causes them to become concerned over their upcoming wedding. Usually this feeling is not a cause for concern and it passes naturally on its own as your realize that you are more excited than anxious but the following are a few tips for helping to work through your cold feet issues. There are a lot of ways to deal with this situation, so take a DEEP breath!

The first tip for dealing with cold feet is simply to relax and realize that this happens to a lot of people in your situation. This is important because many people will get caught up in believing that these feelings mean that they shouldn’t go through with their wedding. Realizing that your feelings are completely naturally will help to waylay these fears.

After you calm down, get out a piece of paper and pen and just start listing all of your anxiety. This is particular helpful because you may have a great deal of trouble doing this which is significant because it helps you to realize that you don’t really have anything to worry about. The other scenario is that you may find that you have a long list of fears and may be amused to find that none of them are really logical. Sometimes seeing your concerns listed on paper helps to alleviate them.

Another tip for dealing with cold feet is to talk to your partner about your feelings. Many people are hesitant to this because they are embarrassed about their feelings but talking to your loved one can really help in this situation. Chances are that they know you better than anyone and can assist you working through these things. They may even confess similar feelings which helps you to realize that cold feet are completely natural.

If you feel that talking to your partner will further exacerbate the problem consider talking to a close friend instead. Just talking about your anxiety can help to relieve the tension. Once you verbalize your fears you are likely to find that they begin to dissipate and you start to relax and look forward to your upcoming wedding. 

Another tip for dealing with cold feet is to talk to a friend who has recently married to get their perspective on married life. They will be able to tell you how well things are going for them which should ease your fears about the transition to married life. They will also be able to assure you that they had similar feelings of anxiety and that there is no cause for concern. 

Making two lists; one of your fears and one of your reasons for marrying your partner, can help to alleviate cold feet. Once you make this list you will most likely see that the reasons that you want to get married far outweigh your fears. Sometimes just seeing this on paper is very beneficial to eliminating cold feet. 

Writing a love letter to your partner can be another way to combat the feelings of cold feet. Get creative! This process gives you a chance to ponder all the reasons why you love your partner. Expressing your feelings in a love letter can refocus your attention on what you love most about your partner and make you realize that the small things you are worrying about are really inconsequential. 

Going through old photos of you and your partner can also help to ease the anxiety of cold fit. Looking through pictures from your courtship is a great way to remind you of all the fun times you and your partner have had together and will help you realize that there are still lots of fun times together in store for the two of you. 

Spending some time away from the planning process is another way to help alleviate cold feet. Wedding anxiety is often spurred on by other problems such as the stresses of the wedding planning. This stress can put you on edge and make problems seem bigger than they really are. Take a trip to spa or spend an afternoon participating in an activity you enjoy to take your mind off of all the details that are still remaining for a little while. 

Finally, if after examining the reason for your cold feet, you come to realize that there are more serious issues at hand it is would be advisable to postpone the wedding until these issues can be resolved. If your concerns are valid and your relationship is potentially harmful either physically or emotionally you may need to seek professional help. Issues such as abuse, addiction and betrayal can be reasons to cancel a wedding and discontinue the relationship.  

Cold feet of feelings of anxiety over your impending wedding are perfectly normal. Many brides and grooms have these feelings and in most cases they are completely harmless. It is, however, important to trust your instincts, yes girls as my grandmother always used to say...."listen to your gut!" It's usually right on the money and if there is something seriously wrong with your relationship, it may be wise to cancel the wedding. 

For all of your bridal and wedding day lingerie needs, shop our online store.

Do You Know How to Stimulate a Woman?

Most men think that they are Rico Suave,...and hey most always think that they have all the answers, especially when it comes to sex...but do they, really? 5 out of 10 men asked in a recent survey were ask "Do you know how to truly stimulate your woman?"  30% did, and 70% did not. So we're here to tell you how to do it. Here is our 4-1-1:

4 sensative spots on a woman that will drive her insane;

The small of a woman’s back – the small of her back is very sensitive and has many pressure points where many women carry stress. If you gently massage this area it will feel wonderful to her. She will delight as you gently kiss her throughout the massage of this area.

A woman’s soft spots – now a woman has several areas that are sensitive that you may not have considered but if you find them, she will love you even more.
  • Behind her knees
  • Inside of her arms
  • Inner thighs
  • Hollow of her neck
Gentle stroking of these areas as well as light kisses are very pleasurable to a woman. Remember also, that gentleness is the key with women. 

A woman’s buttocks – grab those butt cheeks in your hands, squeeze them, and play with them. This releases stress and leaves a woman with the thought that you are making your way to more erogenous zones.

A woman’s G-spot – This area is known to give a woman the most intense pleasure. For a woman, orgasms can have different feelings depending on where they are located and this one is great. The location of the G-spot is mid-way between her cervix and pubic bone. If you insert a finger or two, palm up in her vagina and use a 'come here' motion with your finger(s) to stimulate it. During intercourse, the best position to stimulate the G-spot is with the woman on her back. For bonus points, try giving her a "blended orgasm" by aiming for both her G-spot and her clitoris at once.Don't know where or how to find some research. This will make for some excellent reading material and you'll be quite educated when it's all said and done! If you still need some ideas, go to and check out our Delicious Deals section. We have a sex swing that will blow your mind! $119.99 will get you hours of glorious pleasure!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Simply Luscious Lingerie has ARRIVED!

Welcome to Simply Luscious Lingerie

We're here! As a confident supplier of plus size women’s intimate apparel, we take great pride in presenting to you a line of lingerie that is inviting, provocative, sensuous, and voluptuous. Our look is delectable, divine, and distinctive. Our prices are at a cost to you that are affordable, yet manifest quality, and the deliverance of how class is perceived. This magnificent assortment that we have put together for the curvy women will be not only embody style, it exemplifies a dynamic and extraordinary diversity in fashion. Our online website offers you a private showing and your own personal area to shop for a variety of delicates that will accentuate each individual woman’s needs. The eloquence of this breathtaking and stimulating attire will ravish you and catch your eye with exquisite intimacy.

We offer you luxury lingerie at low prices. We want every woman to be able to pamper herself at a cost that won't break the bank. Our SeventilMidnight private label by Carrie Amber Intimates is new and fresh. We can't wait for you to shop our brand new just launched plus size lingerie boutique!

We are grateful to all of our customers at our sister store,
 and we are most happy to soon be open for you to browse in the privacy of your home, office, or where ever you may be day or night 365/24/7.
Visit us won't you at

 Please your senses with our delectable, delightful, and super delicious flavors! We cater to your needs, and we thank you for your patience while we built our new website!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Be a Simply Delicious Lingerie Affiliate, Make Extra CASH!

Want to make extra money? Who doesn't want to make additional cash? I have a suggestion for you!
At Simply Delicious Lingerie, we offer superior customer service but we also offer an affiliate program where I'll pay you 5% for any sales that you can bring to me when placing a link (our company link encrypted just for you) on your blog or company website.

 If you are interested in this please go to the bottom of the home page @ and sign up under "affiliate." Once our office has received your application, we'll get you set up and send you information relating to this topic and I'll also send you our contract to get started making money! Start making money today!

Win $100 in FREE LINGERIE @

Are you getting married, or is someone that you know getting ready to 'tie the knot?' If so, direct them to our homepage and sign up for $100 worth of free women's intimate apparel now!
It's easy...just follow the instructions and wait for us to call you and tell you that you are a WINNER!

Sex Swing

A sex swing is a type of harness designed to allow sexual intercourse while a partner is suspended while the other moves freely. Though there is considerable variety in the exact specifications, the most common sex swings have a support for the back, another for the buttocks and stirrups  for each leg, which can be adjusted whilst the user is suspended.

There are the following types of swings: Traditional Swing, Door Swing and Body Swing. Body swing uses one partner's body as a swing stand. The Door Swing is mounted on the door. None of these swings require drilling a hole in the ceiling, which makes them easier to use. At we are ranked #1 in these sex swings that we call also the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing because we offer our customers the absolute
LOWEST COST of $99.99

In comparison to all other companies that offer you this swing, we are the BEST! Buy your sex swing today and experience hours of passion. Take a look at our sexy lingerie too! We think that you will find an outfit or two that will look stunning on your lover, mate, spouse, partner. Our women's intimate apparel is of the finest quality from a private label that we are quite proud to represent. Our SeventilMidnight products are luxurious and you can buy them all for under $30.00 a piece.
Prices of our lingerie range from $9.99 - $29.99

Visit our online boutique today and shop anytime, day or night in the privacy of your home. Go to Delicious Deals on our homepage!

Life and Gratitude...

Ever wonder what your purpose is here on earth? If I could offer you a magic potion that would make you happier, healthier, more optimistic and more productive, and tell you that potion would cost nothing and will require very little effort to use, would you be interested? Sure you would. This blog is about life, and gratitude. My grandmother used to always tell me "Michele, life is a gift from God, do not take it for granted!" These are words that we hear daily, but do we really understand them and appreciate their value? My guess is "absolutely not!" Life is good, but on a daily basis we are witnesses to those around us who are good and bad. I tend to be the optimistic one and always look for the good qualities in people, even when others cannot see it. Sure people call me crazy, but I listen to my heart, and go with my gut. There was only one time in my life that I did not listen to my gut and it almost cost me my life.

Have you, my friends even had an experience that happened so quickly yet you couldn't explain it nor did you remember all of it in its entirety? God has a plan for all of us, sometimes we just can't see it. Its funny how you think about things at weird times. I have been on vacation for the past week. I needed to get away and relax. Right before my kids and I went snorkeling I had chest pains. I looked at my two kids (whom took me on this beautiful trip to Hawaii) before diving into the water and said, if anything happens to me, I love you, and you've just inherited 2 panty companies. They of course looked at me as if I were bonkers and said "Yeah,OK mom!" In reality though, I was quite serious.  Hey listen,... you just never know when your time is up. 30 minutes later I got kicked in the head by a woman who obviously thought that the Pacific Ocean wasn't big enough and got a little too close to me. The kick forced me under water and I became lodged between sharp coral reef. I don't remember anything. I remember not being able to move and struggling with sharp coral at least 10 feet under water. It felt as if my leg was pinned in between rocks. I saw tropical colored fish everywhere and all around me and I watched my snorkel gear rise to the top of the water. That's all I remember. Then I found myself  floating above the water and my two kids screaming at me. They couldn't find me and they were in panic mode. I last thing that i remembered was seeing the sunlight above the water and bubbles all around me. Sounds crazy huh? You should have been there. What was happening to me? This is a true testament that I am STILL here on this earth for a reason and I fear nothing...not even death itself. It makes you really sit back and wonder "Why am I still here?" 

 I believe that I am here because I have a lot of work to do. I don't mean growing my lingerie businesses, that will happen. I am here to make others laugh, to build people up and to give them the support that they need to push them to the next level, to teach them to trust and whom to trust, to smile and say 'everything is going to be all right!' I am not a very religious woman but I do believe that I have a mission, a course of action to take to make others feel as good about life as I do. It's all about being positive and gratitude my friends.

 I am not, nor have I ever been a woman to take 'no' for an answer. I value life as a true gift and I cherish everyday I have breathing and being near to loved ones and people that are positive in my life. After all, negative people are harmful to us and if you have these "Negative Nancy" type people in your life...get rid of them now, as they will not stop until you feel as shallow and powerless as they are. Don't you deserve better for yourself? I certainly do. My grandmother used to also say to me "Michele, God puts certain people in our lives for a reason, you may not know just what that reason is, but someday you will look back and that 'one' people might have been the one to have made all the difference in how you turned out months, or years later." Do I believe this? Yes, I do.

My grandmother was my best friend, that one person that I could tell all of my secrets to knowing that whether what I was sharing was good or bad, she found justification for, helped me to see what I was doing whether it was right or wrong, and I learned from it. She taught me to love everyone. Sure that made me a bit naive, nonetheless, it built character, something everyone needs to survive.

Life is not about how quickly you rise to the top my friends, whether it be for business or personal is about the knowledge that you gained while you were on the rise. Do a good deed for someone everyday. Pay it forward. It works trust me. It can be someone as little as holding the door for someone, or smiling at them. I was raised to never brag about what I had or did not have. Material things are a dime a dozen. If you have to brag about what you have, as my grandmother said, really you have nothing at all. You cannot buy your way through life, nor can you buy good friends. Some however are like an acquired taste. Not all of them will be easy to befriend, but do not give up, that one person that was so difficult to break down that barrier wall could be the one person that you save. 

While I was on Hawaii this past week with my kids on a family vacation we took many tours and everyday the bus driver/tour instructors told a store about their culture and why they are so friendly. We should all be like they are. Everyday there in Honululu is a celebration of life. So they said to us;  Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua, which means, thank you for celebrating with us. Life is a celebration that we take for granted. We get caught up in our daily routines and before we know it, life passes us by. Don't allow your life to pass you by.

 They rarely say Aloha as a goodbye, although it does mean, hello and goodbye. Instead they will say; A hui hou kakou, which means until we meet again my friend. You see, they do not believe in goodbyes. As you go back to work today, or to the park with your dog or your play with your children, to take a lunch break, dinner or happy hour, or to your doctors office, the gas station or to a car dealership to shop for a new vehicle...whatever takes you out and near new people, smile at them, because your smile may be the only thing that has brightened their day. Pay it forward my friend. Life is good. Give thanks. A hui hou kakou!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do You and Your Mate Fight?

For as long as I can remember, fighting with your spouse/partner/lover/etc was nothing more than a small argument that started out as nothing (like he didn't take the trash out, or she didn't wash the dishes earlier and now she used all the hot water and he just took an icy cold shower.) It happens, little things set us off and make us want to take off our gloves and box this one out to see who's right and who is so so wrong!

Ask yourself this....Do the differences between men and women contribute to the levels of fighting in relationships? They surely do. Scientists assert that men and women have different ways of dealing with arguments. Men are more left-brained and logical whilst women are more right-brained and more in touch with their emotions.

In earlier days when men went out to hunt animals, they had to switch off their emotions such as fear, in order to achieve their aim of capturing their prey. Women, on the other hand have always tended to be the nurturers and child-rearers and thus tend to have developed a richer emotional experience through their caring responsibilities. Although these differences apply less these days as many men have become more feminine and many women more masculine, there still seem to be patterns that are biologically programmed which affect the way that you act in your communication, both generally and with the opposite sex. It seems that, as the identities of the genders have merged, it has created a generation of angry men and women and much confusion about expectations and gender roles. When you read this, you may see yourself as fitting in more with the masculine patterns if you are a woman or the feminine patterns if you are a man. This is perfectly OK - in order to change your patterns you first need to become aware of what they are and how they are not serving you.If they are not serving you well, it's time to reevaluate and take charge making the necessary changes!

How Relationship Fighting Starts

Let's look at how arguments and fights normally begin in relationships. Generally something is said or done which may be relatively minor. It triggers feelings in one partner of being unimportant, taken for granted, used, or giving more than they are getting back. However, this may just be a perception and may not be accurate. It is easy to forget about your partner's good points and all the things that they do for you when your anger is sparked habitually. My grandmother always used to say that communication is "KEY!" Without your relationship will not survive!

So, basically, one partner is unhappy because the other has said or done something which is not in accordance with their wishes. One way or another they let the other know. If communication patterns are poor, this generally doesn't go down too well. If resentment has been building up over this or other issues in either of the partners, this can cause a backlash which is far worse than the perceived original "crime".  I've got an idea? Take off the gloves and fix this mess before it spins out of control!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

PMS...Does It Affect YOU?

I often ponder what to write about and generally it takes me a short time to decide once I find a subject. This morning when I left for work, I had NO idea what I might write about tonight, and then someone told me that she started reading my blogs and loved them. That meant a lot to me coming from her. Then she proceeded to tell me that I should write a blog about PMS. She stated that sometimes she gets so emotional and says things that she shouldn't have...Hey, don't beat yourself up, it happens, and we are allowed to go nuts every now and then. Then I wondered, how does it affect so many women and why in such a variety of ways?

I think it makes us feel much better to vent.The spouse may not think so but they need to understand that this isn't something we can hide from...PMS happens and we deal with it month after month.  I used to think I was going bonkers. Like that Katy Perry song (Hot & Cold) I was hot and cold, up and down, wrong and right...laughed then I'd cry...when was it going to end? Does any of this sound familiar?

 When you ask a man what PMS is he will say something like "It's a bitch gone wild" and I don't mean that in a good way or a dirty way...Nooooo, it means "Hang on to your hat Batman, I think I just saw her head spin around!" Listen, women don't ask for these nutty hormones to do a number on us. We don't wake up in the morning and say "Hey I am going to be the biggest hormonal bitch  today..." We struggle with our feelings and emotions  and more often than not, we do things or end up saying things that we probably are going to regret later. You're not alone happens to the best of us. No you don't have a screw loose, you're not a  lunatic, nor are you coming unglued.

We all know that when we get emotional we say insane things and that we act like a lunatic. (that's a given isn't it?) We don't mean what we're saying, much less do we know where in the hell these words came from. We just open our mouths and the hurtful phrases come out. Take this for instance; my friend said to me; "Shelly I love my husband very much but sometimes I just want to rip his face off." (no, she didn't really mean this, but I understood exactly how she felt.) Why? we've all been there gals and the smallest things that men do while we are going through PMS drive us insane!

What are some things that show signs of PMS? Well, along with the painful symptoms of PMS, many women report mood swings, depression, and general tearfulness at this difficult time. If you gain a lot of water like myself, you'll feel even worse. Really, is this all necessary? I mean, I'm sorry, not to sound mean but men don't have to deal with any of this stuff. Your emotional symptoms might vary from (physically) violent outbursts, experiences anxiety, irritability, depression, bloating,craving sugary foods, and mild crying session, often directed at those closest to you. They can leave you struggling to cope with the demands of family life, and leave your partner feeling rejected, frustrated and confused. Fear not! Some good communication and practical planning can help you to reduce the tension in your relationship. What men need to know is that THIS IS NO JOKE!

 Many women with spouses find that mood swings caused by PMS are affecting their marital relationship. Mood swings due to PMS can cause women’s emotions to change erratically and it is hard for women’s spouses to understand their partner’s behavior. However there are many things that women can do to stop their relationships with their spouses being adversely affected by mood swings due to PMS. Many happily married women suffer from PMS caused mood swings that affect their relationship with their spouse. However it is not a sign that a marriage is suffering and can often bring a couple closer together.

The 4-1-1 on it is this....PMS related mood swings are usually caused by imbalanced hormone levels. When the estrogen and progesterone hormone levels in the body become uneven the serotonin levels become affected. Serotonin levels affect a woman’s mood, so when they become unstable a woman’s mood then becomes unstable. It is normal for women to let their mood swings due to PMS affect their relationship with their spouse.

Mood swings that are caused by PMS and are having an adverse affect on a marriage can be treated both naturally and with medication. However women should first turn to natural treatments before medication to treat their PMS cause mood swings.

Natural Treatments to Help PMS:
• A healthy and balanced diet.
• Regular and Moderate Exercise.
• Natural Supplements.

Medication to Help PMS:
• Magnesium tablets.
• Vitamin B6 tablets.
• Vitamin E tablets.

However if PMS related mood swings are causing large problems with a woman’s interpersonal relations there are many other various medical treatments available. Although PMS related mood swings that cause problems with a woman’s spouse can be easily treated, naturally hormone replacement drugs are stronger and much more effective.

Three approaches for mood swings in PMS with spouses:
Three approaches can be considered for mood swings in PMS with spouses: (1) lifestyle changes, (2) alternative approaches and (3)drugs and surgery. The safest way is to start with the least risky approach before advancing to the next level.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Is It Time for a Makeover?

Are you middle age and living with a 1980s hairstyle? Though most of the fashion fads of the 90's could still hold their own, I personally hope that scrunchies never make a fashion come back! Headbands should be banned, and big hair is a thing of the past, so good lord, leave it there. Have you worn the same clothes for so long that they've made a come back? Lingerie is not flannel pajamas, shop for all of your women's intimate apparel needs. Newsflash,..Izod now goes by' Lacoste.' If you are wearing Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans, or Levi's, you have bigger issues than I can write about. If you have on a pair of Wranglers you need a miracle. (unless you are living in Texas, own a cattle ranch or you happen to be a cowboy, you are the exception,... and to all of you, the Wrangler Company thanks you for keeping them in business!)

Listen, I don't mean to make anyone feel bad, but if you answer yes to 2 or more of the above issues, we've got a lot of work to do. If this sounds like you and your closet is filled with sweatshirts, turtlenecks and pants that are baggy and not at all form fitting, you need help! Call in your friends that are hip with the times and ask them to help you make some changes. My guess would be that they would jump at the chance to give you a new 'do.' Wouldn't you just wish you could walk into a dressing room, spin around three times and miraculously change your appearance? Who wouldn't? That certainly would be nice. It's really not as difficult as it looks! If you look at the mirror and you don't like what you see...honey, it's time for a change.

Are you growing tired of your hair, skin, body shape or size, or even just the style of your clothing? If you are experiencing any of these thoughts and feelings, you may enjoy learning how to do a makeover yourself.

How you feel about your body image has a substantial effect on how you feel about yourself as a person. Everyone needs a boost to his or her body image once in awhile. And, it just feels good to make some changes to your personal appearance.

How To Do A Makeover Yourself:

My current recommendations and choice picks for the best, most popular makeover solutions are below.
  1. Start your makeover with a good look at your skin. A clean, smooth complexion is the base of a glowing face, so assess the condition of your skin. There are a variety of make ups and skin care products that can totally change and enhance the appearance of your face. If you aren't wearing make up now, realize this, don't need to look like a clown, so go simple. Men don't like a woman with 4 layers on her face. A man wants to see a woman pretty natural (this way he knows what to expect when she gets out of bed in the morning)
  2. Experts agree that a new hair cut is a great way to change your look and boost your mood. Let it contour your facial features so that it accentuates every dimple, and curve.
  3.  Continue with the lower body makeover: legs, butt, hips and thighs. Paint your toes too!
  4. Your most powerful beauty tool is a big genuine smile! It's enhanced by sparkling, lively eyes. Teeth not too white? Fine a beaching cream that you can use to fix this!
  5. Exercise; Nothing, and I mean nothing invigorates the body more than getting your blood to flow thru your veins. You'll have more energy and you won't poop out at parties!
  6. Eat a well balanced diet. It will change the way you look and feel about yourself. Healthier is better! Cut out the crap.
  7. No makeover is complete without clothing. Go shopping and select an outfit that works for you. No more 1980s stuff...get with the times and keep it simple. Once you select your clothing, go buy sharp shoes and accessorize BIG TIME! You'll feel like a million bucks! You;ll be surprise how much better it will make you feel, and your friends probably won't recognize you!

Simply Delicious Lingerie Lingo...

Lingerie Lingo

Not everyone knows the definition of lingerie, so we're here to share the 'lingo,' our 4-1-1 if you will, because we have the pizazz that will turn ordinary into a charisma that will personify extraordinary. We take great pride in our intimate apparel. Our hand selected pieces are a private label that comes with a heritage and has been a leader in lingerie, loungewear, costume wear, legwear, plus size lingerie, and accessories under the SeventilMidnight brand for well over a decade. We hope that this benefits you with your selection at our online boutique. 

The impeccable craftsmanship embodies bold colors, eye catching prints along with luscious quality fabrics in hundreds of styles.
This collection has been featured in People Magazine, Playboy, Glamour, Life & Style, InStyle, Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, FHM, VH1, Fox TV, and the Oxygen Network. Our fascinating apparel and intimates have celebrity fans such as Katty Perry, Kim Kardashian, Denise Richards,Tera Patrick, Kendra Wilkinson, Lucy Hale, Janice Dickinson, and Naya Rivera from Glee.

What is lingerie and where was it derived from? The term lingerie comes from the old French word "linge" which means linen. The term lingerie came into the English vocabulary as a euphemism for scandalous clothing unbecoming of a lady. Throughout the years, the design of lingerie has varied but the appeal is in influencing key factor in the world of seduction. Let's face it, women love lingerie and men adore them in it. So often though, people ask me what is the difference between this and that? I'm here to share with you our perspective of lingerie.
For decades the look of lingerie strived to keep the feminine presence while it exhibits flirtatious lingerie for the lady of the 21st century! A woman's appearance is a manifesto of who she is, and her facade transpires her into mastery. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we believe that a huge part of the anticipation is the sex appeal. Finding the right piece of sexy lingerie that accentuates your curves may not always be that easy. No two women are of the same build, therefore, the determination of recognizing a gorgeous piece is quite dazzling to the woman whereas it can be mind blowing to the person undressing her.


A corset is a garment  worn to hold and shape the torso into a desired shape for artistic purposes.In recent years, the term "corset" has also been borrowed by the fashion industry to refer to tops which, to varying degrees, mimic the look of traditional corsets without actually acting as one. The most common and well known use of corsets is to slim the body and make it conform to a fashionable silhouette. Modern bustiers are a reincarnation and modified version of their earlier 16th century linen cousins. They were called the “payre of bodies” and “stays”. Stays had shoulder straps and a small waist ending in flaps.Their shape was an inverted cone meant to compliment the large multi-layered skirts below. They pushed up the breasts, narrowed the waist and straightened the back. In the 80s Madonna brought the corset back to life as she wore them as an adornment in videos and at her concerts. Women went nuts over them and they were recreated keeping much of the appeal with an embellishing and bountiful glamorous flair!
There are basically two types of modern corsets. An overbust corset encloses the torso, extending from just under the arms to the hips. An underbust corset begins just under the breasts and extends down to the hips. Some corsets extend over the hips. A shorter kind of corset, which covers the waist area is called a waist cincher. A corset may also include garters to hold up stockings or alternatively a separate garter belt may be worn for that. Don't forget to accessorize it with those sexy thigh high stockings or a titillating pair of fishnet stockings.

So what is the difference between a bustier and a corset? Well a bustier is shorter than a corset and does not attempt to shape the waist at all. Remember a bustier is designed to shape the bust whereas the corset is more about the hips and waist. Another way to make sense of it is to remember that a bustier shows off the tummy and the corset does a magnificent job of hiding it.


A bustier is a splendorous one-piece, tight-fitting, sleeveless garment, designed with cups and flexible boning. It is meant to fit around your breasts and down around your ribcage. It usually ends at the waist unlike a corset. Hooks and eyes, cord or ribbon, connect most of them. They are almost always strapless.They are  meant to define a woman’s shape and enhance her breasts. The bustier is often worn on the outside directly over the skin, or over other garments like blouses, shirts & t-shirts.


A chemise is generally a woman's garment that vaguely resembles the older shirts but is typically more delicate, most stunning and oh so provocative. Most commonly the term refers to a loose-fitting, sleeveless undergarment or type of lingerie which is unfitted at the waist. It can also refer to a short, sleeveless dress that hangs straight from the shoulders and fits loosely at the waist. A chemise typically does not have any buttons or other fasteners and is put on by either dropping it over the head or stepping into it and lifting it up.As lingerie, a chemise is similar to babydoll,, which is also a short, loose-fitting, sleeveless garment. Typically, though, babydolls are more loose-fitting at the hips and are generally designed to more resemble a young girl's nightgown, although many modern styles have added various sexualizing features.


A woman's loose-fitting undergarment for the upper body, typically held up by shoulder straps and having decorative trimming. Camisoles are light loose fitting sleeveless tops typically made with soft cotton, delicate lace trim around the chest and held up by thin spaghetti straps. Always shorter than a chemise, the camisole typically rests on the hips but may show off the tummy too. Nowadays the camisole is a staple of any girl's fashion and may even be worn as outerwear. Our camisoles beauty is defined with a feminine presence and an eloquent look.

Baby Dolls

A babydoll is a short, sometimes sleeveless, loose fitting nightgown or neglegee intended as nightwear for women. It sometimes has formed cups called a bralette for cleavage with an attached loose fitting skirt falling in length usually between the upper thigh and the belly button. The garment is often trimmed with beautiful lace, ruffles, appliques marabou fur, bows and ribbons, optionally with spaghetti straps. Sometimes it is made of sheer or translucent fabric like nylon, chiffon, satin, or silk.


The teddy is basically a body suit that is sexy and fun. It can have cups for a bra, with out cups and straight or have no cups at all. No matter what kind you have the teddy will be an intricate part of your wardrobe. The word teddy is probably the first thing most people think of when they hear the word lingerie, at least it is for me. An image pops up of this sexy spaghetti strapped little lacy one-piece suit right? Well the teddy is more than just that. The teddy adds flare to your clothing by enhancing what you have and hiding any flaws you might think you have. Find your favorite color and wear it with confidence. A Teddy is lingerie which combines both a camisole top and a panty into a single piece. A teddy can have many variations but most are made of light, delicate fabrics that fit smoothly and comfortably over the torso. They hug your body and fit your curves so that the breathtaking overture is captivating and astonishing!

Garter Belts

Today, a garter belt is considered exotic lingerie. The belt is worn around the waist or hips directly against your skin. The silky or fishnet stockings are attached to the garter belt from four to eight dangling straps with clips. These straps are called garters. To complete this exotic lingerie look, a pair of high-heeled shoes could be worn for an added effect. This sexy lingerie look could also be complemented with a push-up bra, see through bra or other type of matching bra. The result is a sexy look that will definitely get your partner’s attention. The temperature will go from steamy to sweltering in the bedroom with this erotic piece!

Sexy Matching Set
These days matching lingerie sets array from sheer lingerie sets to flirty boy shorts. The possibilities are endless. Sexy matching lingerie sets add style and expression to any look. Nonetheless, the assortment of accessible types can be quite challenging to find. With an assortment of women's intimate apparel at our boutique, we focus on the sensuous appetite of those who wear it and those whom encounter it. After all, we are the aphrodisiac of taste and our quality merchandise will seduce your mind, and tantalize your soul. The cliche' of these pieces being taboo are no more. Now a centerpiece of fashion worn with high self-esteem and confidence. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we carry pieces that enunciate sexy and seductive and will have you feeling confident from the inside out.

Foods That Enhance Sexual Desires...

Can foods really increase sexual awareness in men and women? Possibly, and if not in this marvelous world today there is a pill that can fix just about anything! But if you wanted to increase your 'mojo' the healthy way, what might you eat or drink to do just that? Below, I've listed a variety of things that one might consider trying. 

So how does food affect sexual and emotional health? Adding soy to your diet will help in vaginal lubrication.Really? You betcha...FYI, Soy adheres to estrogen receptors, which maintains the lubrication the vagina needs. Soy is also used to suppress the effects of hot flashes that occur during menopause. Soy promotes a healthy prostate. To improve your circulation and stimulate nerve endings try adding chili peppers and ginger to your diet. As this improves, so will your sexual pleasure.

Food that is good for your heart will also be great for your penis. Good blood flow is necessary for an erection. If the heart is not operating properly, there is a good chance the penis will not be standing as straight as you want it to either. Foods that are high in saturated fat will clog the arteries, which in turn will limit the amount of blood flow that will reach your genital region. Fat is essential to create your hormones, but your body needs the right type of fats. Olive oils, seafood, and nuts are a great source of the good fat that will help in producing the hormones that are essential for your sexual health to operating at peak performance.
Here is a look at foods that have been praised for having aphrodisiac qualities to them and have been said to increase the sexual appetite:
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Eels
  • Oysters
  • Figs
  • Ginseng
The thought behind these foods is to increase your sex drive based on their smell, taste, or appearance, yes, that's right, they make you horny, or so studies say. There are those who believe that if you eat foods that are phallic in appearance you will make your penis strong and hard like the food you ingest. Old wise tale? I don't know, you tell me... The same thought process applies to eating oysters and figs, which either smell or look like a woman’s vulva when she is aroused. By ingesting the foods, they hope that they will become plump, slippery, and tasty as well. 

When you eat hot foods, they say that it is thought to make you have the appearance of sexual excitement. Eating sweet or spicy foods is said to put you in a relaxed mood and ready to partake of more pleasure. Soooo, if you want to increase your sexual appetite, then horny goat weed is a great option. This was first noticed after farmers in China started noticing that their goats were getting more sexual active after eating a local weed. Recent studies by the University of Milan discovered that Horny Goat weed could increase the sexual appetite. 

Having a low sexual appetite can be a true crisis. It can be common to have your sexual appetite fall off after a certain age, but it has been a growing occurrence in 30 something males for sometime now. If you fall into the group that you still have the urge, but can’t seem to get the spirits to rise, then there are a few quick and simple answers that can take effect within days. Simply by having the right vitamin intake you can improve those spirits and give you both a truly pleasurable experience.
Some may scoff at a sex diet, but it can work. A sex diet doesn’t mean changing your food intake or amounts. It can simply mean taking a supplement for your sexual appetite.

Do these food myths work? You be the judge. They cannot change your sexual organs to look any different than they already do. Although the power of suggestion is strong and using food as a form of seduction or as a form of sexual play can be very enticing. A great way to spice up your sex life is with the use of food. Isn't it time you get creative?

Fast boosts and slow effects:
Alcohol will relax you emotionally and give you a flushed appearance. For the short amount of time it lasts it boosts your self-confidence
Caffeine and sugar is always a quick boost of energy
These are a couple of short-term effects and the reality is what we eat on a daily basis will in the long term, have the strongest effect on your sexual health. To be at your best both physically and sexually your diet should contain plenty of fish and fresh vegetables.
To make food a part of your sexual experience cook or create foods that will entice both you and your lover into a passionate night of tasting and exploring, cook a meal together of your favorite foods and then feed them to each other. You could sit at a table while doing this or you could spread a blanket on the floor, place the foods around the floor, and then let your imagination and passion flow free 'The Karma Sutra' suggests a ram's or goat's testicle boiled in sweetened milk, and cooked with sparrow’s eggs, rice and honey for an aphrodisiac. I'm sorry, this is where I'd have to pass and wing it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Marriage, Relationship and the Mistress....

Why do relationships fail? What is it in a marriage that makes your spouse cheat? Do they fall out of love, is it boredom, do needs more zest and spice in their life? Are they feeling old and tired of being with the same woman for several years? Mid-life crisis...or did a younger woman catch their eye? When men cheat, they do it for a variety of reasons, and most often they don't think that they'll get fact some men are very good at it and never get caught. For the most part, men that cheat are generally the ones that say that they are happy with their wife. Pardon me, but if you were happy you wouldn't be sharing your penis with another woman!

Most men don't realize how good they have it until it's too late and they get caught, then again some are so good that they will NEVER get caught. Being the other woman has it's perks, or so they may think, but later on the other woman may get bored and tired of always coming second. They get empty promises and little respect. Duhhh? Of course you do, you're the other woman. Any woman reading this article that has ever been cheated on by her husband will have steam coming out of her ears right now. It's painful and the trust can never heal your heart. Many will tell you that it does, but those of you who say this are the ones that sit with that uneasy feeling (you know the one) in your gut when he calls to say he has a late meeting, or that they guys are going out to celebrate someones promotion, or it's a coworkers birthday and we're taking him out for drinks....sound familiar?

Men who cheat really must think that they have life by the balls? They make their mistresses a lot of promises...why? To keep the romance going, to keep her from getting too close to the home front and causing chaos with his personal life. Many men that I know told me that they did it because they had far too much (financially) at stake to lose should they up and leave their wives. Isn't that just peachy to know that while your slaving in the kitchen to get dinner ready, preparing to host dinner and cocktail parties, and running kids all over timbuku, that he's out getting naked with someone else because it would cost him too much to leave you? It's sad, but oh so typical. What is worse is the women that actually do know that their husbands are sleeping with someone else but they stay and remain quiet because she can't make it without him financially, or doesn't want to lose her material possessions. Guess what sister? You've already just sold your soul to the devil.

Soooo, for those of you whom don't know the true definition of a mistress?

Mistress: A mysterious sexy woman that a married man sees in secret to have a romantic and sexual relationship with. This is the definition of a mistress. There is good sex, hotel room adventures, late nights, seductive phone calls, exciting secret dates, gifts and the thrill of doing something bad.

But is being a mistress as glamorous as it seems? Those who do it will tell you YES, but do you want my opinion? Buckle your seat belts...because what I have to say is not pretty.They are ruthless, have low self-esteem, and lack much confidence. If they had any morals whatsoever, they would not at all be sleeping with someone who was already "spoken for" shall we say. Home wreckers would be an understatement. 9 times out of 10 having a mistress turns out to be convenient. (for him)....but for you, it will lead to heartache if you develop feelings.

  Being a mistress has its exciting moments and these are the moments that convince women to become a mistress in the first place. In the beginning, the mistress holds all the power. She is the one who has the married man under a love spell and she gets all his attention and time that he should be spending with his wife. She is the one he fantasizes about when he is with his wife and the one he misses. He urges for her company and longs to hear her voice. The mistress is the woman a married man makes first priority and will shower her with gifts to keep her happy. This all sounds fun and good, but it is very short lived and eventually, the light goes on and shines on the truth of what the life of a mistress really is and eventually becomes after the sexy stage is over.

 Relationships that start off in deception usually always end in deception! My grandmother used to always say "Once a cheater, Always a cheater!"  When a woman gets involved with a married man, she turns a blind eye to the fact that he is a cheater and an unreliable partner. She sees only what she wants to see and believes only what she wants to believe. She acknowledges the fact that he is cheating on his wife with her, but refuses to see that she too is a victim of his selfish behavior- choosing to make herself his victim. Men rarely leave their wives and family for their mistresses, which means that they string their mistresses along, having them believe that one day they will both be together with no more hiding around. Mistresses hang on to this fantasy, believing that their married lover truly loves them and will eventually be with them and this begins a long journey of emotional pain, emptiness and endless waiting.

Listen, if you are someones mistress, you are pathetic, and if you are reading this blog post, get your head out of the sand and get a real life.. starting NOW!

Face the truth. Statistically, it is incredibly rare that a married man will leave his wife for the other woman. In the rarest occasions that this does occur, an overwhelming majority of the resulting marriages to a mistress end, usually because of trust issues. Going into the relationship with zero expectations of a lasting, rewarding relationship or marriage is the first step for the other woman to gain empowerment and, ultimately, recover from the emotional damage wrought by extramarital affairs.

What should you do? Develop outside interests. The road to healing begins by making sure that the other woman has interests outside of the married man. This is effective on two fronts: while the other activities help distract the mistress from fixating on the married man, it is also an opportunity to meet available men who may be able to provide a healthier relationship. Be sure that the outside interest is conducive to a healthy lifestyle, so as not to deepen issues that may lead to extramarital affairs, because in the end, you go home to an empty quiet house and he,..well he... has a beautiful family and the perfect life that you don't fit into the equation, and you NEVER will, no matter how many times you try. Don't you think you deserve better?