Saturday, July 28, 2012

What Are Women Thinking?

Honestly it is quite scary to even try to figure out what a woman is thinking. No one knows a woman better than a woman, and we all play our own games and do our own thing but often we just want what's best for us. Do we even know what that is? Relationships and dating are nothing to joke about and everyone needs to take this serious. We think we know everything, isn't that right? Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the minds of women? Most men ask "What are women thinking?" Yes, most men do. Clearly, we can never know for sure how somebody else thinks, and that seems even more true with people of the opposite sex. However, there are certain ways in which most all women think.

 Rule #1; For instance, when a woman sees an extremely attractive man, or a man that she finds extremely attractive (and you might be surprised who they are) her first thought would be ‘He is so hot’. That’s right. Believe it. If you thought that only men could think that way then you don’t know a lot. However, seeing a hot and attractive guy does not mean that the woman will approach him. What she will do is look at him a lot, and watch him – his body language, his style, what he is doing and who he is with. If she is really interested in the guy then you will find that she cannot keep her eyes off him. If the guy in question is also interested then he will do the approaching. The next time you find a woman glancing your way, make your move and go over and talk to her because I'll tell you this; she's not going to go over to you!  

Rule #2; Never encourage a woman to think that you are a ‘nice guy’ if you are attracted to her. Many guys do this because it makes the initial stages of the process easier – she is happy to talk with you, for example, and it is easy to build up trust. But you'd probably find she just laughs at you when you try to move on to flirting and touching. She's not a cat, so don't try petting her. She is willing to be your friend but nothing more than a friend. What does she really think of you? Well, she will probably even go out with you in a group, but not one on one, because she is hoping you will introduce her to other, ‘hotter’ guys. However, this does not mean that you have to be a bad guy, be aggressive or nasty to her, or treat her badly. Just be clear in your mind that you can have as many women as you want, and she will pick that up, and she will sit up and take notice.

The mind of a woman is such that they are attracted to guys whom they find mysterious. Women love to be chased, so don't you think that men should enjoy it just the same? Sure they should! Women like to unfold mysteries and they simply cannot resist the challenge to know more about mysterious men. We let them get under our skin and then it just gets all fired up after that. What should you do? First of all, don’t answer all of her questions, and don’t give her too much information. You don’t want to satisfy her – at least, not by talking. When it comes to information about yourself, always leave her wanting more. If a woman really and truly fancies you then you'll know it! Like I mentioned earlier, she is attracted to you if she cannot take her eyes off you. So if you just met a woman and you find her eyes wandering away when you are talking, then that is a bad sign. It probably means that she is not interested and is looking around for someone she likes more. Make yourself more interesting by talking to another girl instead. You may end up having the choice between the two of them.

 Women are very keen creatures who simply love to notice a lot of things. They are very interested in other people and in all kinds of relationships. If you are on a date in a restaurant with her and she is looking around the room, don’t worry. As a woman and for several reasons so even for protection and security we do this so don't freak out or think a woman is looking at another man.  In that situation she is probably just wanting to see what kind of place she is in and who else is there, so that she can tell her friends tomorrow. Stop talking and let her look. As soon as you are quiet, she will want to know why, and that will get her interested in you again. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire!

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