When you think about style, poise and beauty what comes to mind? Is it the look of the woman or the elegance in her step? Anyone can look good, but not everyone has the poise and the ability to walk with a confidence level and the assertiveness of making the statement..." here I am...look at me" The girl who knows how to sit, stand, and walk gracefully possesses a true beauty asset of a very desirable kind, while the appearance of the prettiest woman is often spoiled by a slouching deportment. A plain woman who holds herself erect, moves easily, lightly, and gracefully, has a "presence" of which many of her prettier sisters may be envious....actually everyone is generally envious.
For health reasons, also, it is exceedingly important that every woman should try to acquire a good carriage and graceful deportment. Although it is true that some women are more blessed by nature than others in this respect, a good deal can be done by physical culture. Carelessness is the real cause of slipshod walking, slouching attitudes, and round shoulders. If you hold yourself badly, if you are aware that your carriage lacks the desirable quality of grace, and your figure droops in the wrong places, you can alter the fact if you like.
How is it done? In the first place, realise your defects. Look at yourself carefully, critically, and with unbiased mind in a full-length mirror.
Notice if your chin pokes forward, if your shoulders droop, if you stand straight or tend to rest on one or the other foot, to assume a lop-sided position unconsciously. Probably you shuffle your feet in walking, or take mincing steps. Perhaps you sit huddled in a chair, and have got into the habit of lying in the wrong attitude whilst asleep. Each one of these defects will have to be corrected.
What about Habits?
Every bad habit you have formed will have to be replaced by a good habit, and that means a great deal of concentration of mind and self-control. By carelessness and neglect, the habit of slouching has established itself. By care and culture it must be replaced by the habit of unconscious, graceful, and erect carriage.
A certain time each day should be devoted to physical culture exercises, in order to tone the flabby muscles, to practise poise and balance, and to improve the general health.
So how do I know this stuff? I grew up in a household where I spent many days and nights at my grandparents house. My grandmother and I walk miles and miles for exercise, and we watched Jack Lananne. We'd exercise right along with him....those were the days where we didn't have thousands of dollars to spend on exercise equipment.....all you needed was a kitchen chair and a broom. I learned to work abs and my tush all at the same time and I learned how to develop poise. To learn balance my grandmother made me walk around with a book on my head. Back then, as a young girl it didn't seem to make sense, but I knew that my grandmother was a pretty smart lady and knew that if she said that was what I need to do go get people to turn their heads and take notice....then I needed to give it a whirl! Long since those days, my grandmother has passed away, but I still think of her each time I open my refrigerator....I can still hear her voice saying...."Michele....don't do it!"
When I get dressed, I make sure that I match and I make sure that my lingerie makes just as bold of a statement as my clothes wear on the outside. My grandmother taught me to be poised, and confident. She said people recognize/take notice of a poised woman but they never, ever forget the one who slouches and lacks class.
Over the years, I have learned that grace is something that is acquired, like taste.....you have to work at it in order to achieve it's fullest potential. No I was never a beauty pageant contestant,...but I was and I still am a woman whose flair for poise and grace has become part of who I am. Never ever ever walk with your head down, look up....if you don't you miss a whole lot of whats going on in the world today! Make eye contact, suck in your tummy, arch your back and keep your shoulders raised....this gives you enough leverage to stay balanced. You are beautiful....and it only takes a few steps everyday and some practice to give you "the look."
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