Friday, June 3, 2011

Out of the Closet.....

"Fasion faux pas". .....We all hate to admit it, because we truthfully feel that clothes shouldn’t matter as much as then do...In a perfect world, a person would be judged at their workplace based solely on the caliber of their work and work ethic. Gone are those days. How you choose to dress each morning reflects how you feel about your job, and it makes a rather bold statement of whether or not you take your position seriously or not. You have a reputation to uphold. People look up to you for heaven sakes....You are supposed to be like the "Fashionista!" I was reading an article and ran across this list. I wanted to share it with you. I couldn't keep my comments to myself, someone has to say something!

Your appearance does matter! You can't dress like your part of the circus, or people will think that you are part of the circus! So stop clowning around!We’ve all been there.... the days you wake up feeling like crap, but still have to try to make it into the office, so you throw on any old thing that’s half way decent and clean and maybe somewhat wrinkle free. You journey in to the office where you never see anyone. The jobs you partake is one that you work from home..... in your pajamas and no makeup 90% of the time....and generally, it consists of slippers and pop tarts for breakfast, not tea and crumpets. With this in mind, there are certain things that scream a big no no and regardless of the profession you simply should NOT WEAR!!!

We'll tell you what they are and beg you to bring it "out of the closet" and put it into the trash!
Our Top 10 Fashion No-No's

1) Crocs Who on earth invented these? A neanderthal man? Look at them for goodness sake...They are too big, and squarish and I am at a loss for words.....Were they meant for the beach, or for small children and then they got carried away and just kept making them bigger and bigger? Or are they for working in the garage or around the house. The company that made them stated that they were“intended as a boating/outdoor shoe.” Yeah that's right to wear below the surface to scare the heck out of the poor fish!  Face it, Crocs are not for the office, or the mall, or anywhere in my opinion.

2) Uggs beautiful as they are and so comforting.....truth be told, they are just glorified slippers. And what are slippers? They are part of your pajamas. Have you ever seen professionals wear pajamas to the office? No! I don't care how cold it is outside, or how sick or hungover you feel, don’t come traipsing into the office wearing Uggs and looking like hell. Even worse, try living in Texas where it's 100 degrees and women wear them with shorts year round! Let's not worry that it's 100 degrees and these gals are wearing insulated boots no less...they look hideous!

3)The Fanny Pack (sorry, I'm laughing out loud with this one....)hey, it went out of style way back in the 80s, and it took side ponytails and neon brights along with them. Sporting a fanny pack in a professional environment shows you have no idea what is going on in the fashion world....

4) Scrunchies Yup, you heard me,...seriously? These went out of fashion at the same time fanny pack did. When I moved to Texas, my daughter warned me of a city "not to live it whatsoever" because she said everyone there still wore these. that was all I needed to hear.Trust me.....wearing one only emphasizes your need for a makeover, a SUPER BIG make over! No time to waste.....hurry!!! (The only exception for scrunchies would be possibly for cheerleaders, and even then, that'd be stretching it.)
5) Jewelry- We like it when people make an effort with jewelry, clinking bracelets can be a little on the distracting side, irritating and not to mention loud. NO BIG BLING at the OFFICE!

6)Leggings and spandex pants are perfect for your next yoga or Pilates class, certainly not for your upcoming presentation - I wouldn't even wear them for a conference call. If you think these are form fitting and cool, we've got much bigger problems!

7)Leather pants are perfectly career-appropriate if you’re auditioning for Rock of Love, and your name is Joan Jett....that’s about it! It should go without saying (but I'll still say it) that you should never go to work dressed like you’re about to do some tequila shots with the band unless your job somehow involves doing tequila shots with the band!

8)Velore -Juicy Tracksuits They may seem like they’re fancy ladies, but a big price tag does not make a sophisticated garment more appealing. Velour, sadly, is just not a workplace-approved fabric. If you work at a gym, perhaps. Don't you agree that it's just scream out “look at my ass?" ....and with that in mind you'd better hope that you don't have a big ass or someone's going to scream out "Why Why Why???" .... Please stop, your killing me don't need the fashion police, you need your brain entirely reprogrammed because something in your nugget just isn't working properly! more thing...this goes double for bedazzled tracksuits.

9) Sequins- Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to wear sequins. As a small adornment on a solid-colored blouse with clean lines (i.e. not much else going on), sequins can be an appropriate accessory, I suppose.... But much more than that can lead you to straight into fashion victim territory. Wearing sequins can make you feel like a star – but overdoing it at the office can make you look cheap, out of touch with reality and, at worst, unprofessional...are you going to pull out the rhinestones and glitter too?

10)Animal print- Good Lord....this almost always comes back in style, so purchasing a leopard or zebra print piece isn’t a terrible idea. However, it’s when you overdo this trend and try to wear it from head to toe and it makes you look like a leopard or a zebra, that's when the horror begins. If you keep it simple, your office will think you’re edgy — which is what you want, nothing over the edge.. but take it over the top, and they’ll think you were up to something a little bit shady last night and working a second job doing something of illegal activity that ones pimp would dress her in.

Time to get off the fashion Merry-Go-Round and do a reality check in your closet....If it screams out any of the above mentioned, ....if you make peoples heads spin so much that they can't even look at your outfit because you're making them dizzy...
Get off , and put this ride of of it's misery!

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