Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wishing and Hoping

1. A woman’s biggest sex organ is her brain

“Sayyyy what?  This is prob­ably the biggest sex miscon­cep­tion out there (maybe only behind the one that says women don’t like sex as much as men… please, please, please tell me you know women do indeed love incred­ible, mind-blowing sex...find one that doesnt' and I'll eat my hat!) So what does am I saying here? Women are always wishing and hoping....for everything really. At the basic level, it means you should be turning her on first with her imag­i­na­tion – not her clitoris – then getting phys­ical. Excite her emotions and mind, and her body will follow. Women do indeed love incred­ible, mind-blowing sex. On a higher (advanced) level, (for some very advanced) it means she’s capable of having (and you giving) orgasms without any phys­ical stim­u­la­tion what­so­ever?

What can you do about it? Well, here’s a few easy things: send sexy texts/emails, role-play, act out fantasies, write erotic stories, and for gods sake talk dirty to her! BUT don't get too raunchy or over do it. You don’t know how many women feel stupid when they’re trying to express them­selves to you vocally, and the guy freaks out or just, you know, does nothing. Turn off in a half....way to ruin a good thing! Warning: dirty talk is an art. Ease into it and discover each others comfort zones; done wrong or too far too soon can be an instant turn off. Need proof? Romance novels are the highest selling genre of fiction books ...hello again,. Hmm… I wonder why? Every girl wants the perfect man, the wonderful life and the husband of her dreams....who doesn't think of extravagant weddings and futures? We love love love romance and fairytale endings.....what part aren't some of you getting?

2. Men are switches, women are analog knobs

Here's the way it really is.... They either want it, or they don’t. There’s not much in-between for them. Women on the other hand, need to be turned on – not simply flipped on (for the most part).Imagine a light switch. That’s us. Now imagine that really big awesome round knob that controls the volume of your hi-def audio system. That’s women. Obviously I’m gener­al­izing, but just go along with the analogy if you will, please? Play your woman as an instru­ment; conduct her plea­sure as a symphony of the most beau­tiful instru­ments imaginable…We can usually be ready at the drop of a dime to get it on, but most women need to get a bit warmed up first. How fast or slow you turn the knob is impor­tant, but either way, you’re turning a knob.

3. Don’t go too fast (or too slow!)

An incred­ible lover can judge how fast or slow to “turn the knob”. He can sense when she’s getting impa­tient and ready to get things going, or when she’s not ready to go there yet – pepper down! take it easy, and let things happen naturally....You’d think most guys have a problem of going too fast, but actu­ally, most nice/good guys have the problem of going too slowwwww. Now you see, I find that stimulating, and quite romantic. Women do indeed love incred­ible, mind-blowing sex!!!

4. Anticipation

Yes, you see what I did there – isn’t antic­i­pa­tion wonderful? It is, so much so, women admit that often times the antic­i­pa­tion of some­thing is better than actu­ally getting it.Crazy! The thing is....why such a rush? There's not race here and you aren't running a marathon...When you love someone or really care for them, its about timing.....and there is not finish line. It makes total sense though, doesn’t it? This is all leading up to exciting and fabulous.....are you seeing it? Sometimes its all the little things that lead up to the big picture that is so captivating and enchanting. Men just need a little TLC. A boost in the right direction to guide them....once they find their path, look out ladies...remember what I always their ego! Men love getting their ego stroked!

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard a woman complain: “I was waiting forever for him to just make the move” or I really thought that this would be the "right" time....but nothing! We plan, and plan....and sometimes more often than not, we have have to allow fate to take it's course and step in. Listen guys....for all the wishing and hoping, and thinking and praying she'll do over this,....make it good, huh?....and gals, show him that you care,....just for him.....

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