Sunday, June 12, 2011

Breasts.....Just a Handful?

In a recent survey taken when asked "What is the perfect breast size?" The answer by 48% was size "C" So what does that say to those of us not amongst the ranks of "C?" Absolutely nothing,....every woman should feel good about herself and her breasts. You should be happy with the cards you've been dealt. I was raised to love yourself for who you are and for what you've got....

 If you are not, and you feel that you must have new ones, please, before you consider enhancements of any sort, shop with cosmetic surgeons, and check references!!! Make sure that the surgeon that you choose to take this route comes with high recommendations. Don't go cheap...sometimes you do get what you pay for!

I was always told that a handful is plenty....and that anything more is just too much to handle!
As society becomes more image-centered, the quest for the 'perfect breasts' seems to be a major focus of fascination. Whilst each woman has an individual preference in terms of breast sizes and shapes, there is however no uniform agreement on what constitutes 'aesthetically perfect breasts'. However, there are many good reasons for wanting breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure
o To enhance the fullness of a woman's breast
o To improve the symmetry of the breasts
o To restore breast volume lost following pregnancy or weight loss
o To increase confidence and self-esteem
o To restore the originality of the sagging breasts
o To create a natural-appearing and attractive breast
Satisfying results can make you feel more feminine and therefore more confident and content.

Breast Augmentation Surgery- The Specifics
The procedure is conducted by inserting an implant behind each breast. The implants are made of medical grade, bio compatible, textured or smooth silicone shells filled with sterile saline solution or silicone gel. The result is the surgeons ability to increase a woman's bust line by one or more bra cup sizes. The procedure is highly personalized and should be considered for your own personal reasons, not with the ambition of others.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation
During your consultation your surgeon will help you choose which type of surgery and which type of implant suits you. Prior to you surgery you will meet with your surgeon to discuss any questions you may have. When you and your surgeon have the same expectations before surgery it makes the process less nerve-racking, and helps the surgeon know exactly what you are wanting out of the procedure.
Quality care with expert surgeon
In considering breast augmentation surgery, it is essential to do your research and find the best surgeon. It is important to choose an experienced surgeon who will not only consider your personal desires, but also take into account your height, weight and natural breast size and shape.
Some myths surrounding the procedure
Perhaps no form of surgery is more popular and safer than breast augmentation surgery. Thanks to a major change in the kind of implants and techniques that are now employed. But, there are myths and misconceptions that a patient must be fully aware of before making an informed decisions
Let's take a look at a handful of myths about breast augmentation surgery-
o Silicone implants are not safe
o Breast implants feel unnaturally hard
o Implants can cause breast cancer and other diseases
o Breast augmentation is a painful surgery that requires a lot of time off work and performing physical activities
o Breast augmentation scars are obvious
o Everyone can tell when a woman has breast implants
o Implants make the breasts sag earlier
o Breast implants need to be replaced regularly

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......Taking time to think over the procedure, working with your breast augmentation surgeon and researching is crucial to separate facts from the myths. Who knows, breast augmentation surgery can turn out to be an opportunity to help you reconstruct the beauty that's already there in you?

© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

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