Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shopping is Therapy

When was the last time that you pampered yourself? If it's been a while, sounds like someone might need to go shopping? It's just like any other addiction -- it has nothing to do with how much a person shops or spends, and everything to do with consequences,...we often get the question around the holidays that because a person spent more money than she intended, does this make her an addict? The answer is no. However, if there is a pattern or a trend or consequences that occur with excessive shopping then the person may be a problem and someone is out of  loss of control. If they are no longer in control of their shopping but their shopping is in control of them, they've crossed the line. Simply Delicious Lingerie has our favorites. but ohhhhhh how I love Target! It seems to be the only store that I can walk into for deodorant and come out with 5 bags of a whole lot more than what I went in there for and $60.00 later~!  How does this happen? No self control? Maybe.....
For some, shopping is therapy, for others it can be quite dangerous! From hitting the mall with your girlfriends on a Saturday afternoon, to holiday spending on gifts that go under the tree, shopping could be called one of America's favorite pastimes. For most people, it means some new clothes for work or a small trinket for a friend. For others, however, shopping is much more than an enjoyable pastime, and in some cases, it is a real and destructive  that can turn into a financial disaster. So what happens if you go a little nuts?It can often lead to a real problem, an addiction, and not the good kind!

 It's not called retail therapy for nothing.  If you're feeling blue, you might want to spend some green.  A new study has found shopping can actually make you happy.It found treating yourself to something nice apparently has a "lasting positive impact on mood" and has "few if any negative emotional side-effects."American researchers say participants who said they were in a bad mood on their way into a store were more likely to indulge in an impulse buy. So what is the difference between impulse and compulsive? A lot! ...but they can both turn out to sting you. My suggestion is; think before you you really need it?

Some of us have loved shopping since we were little girls...looking in Macy's window, or passing by Tiffany's. That blue bag is classic and a words alone cannot describe what one feels like carrying a delicate classic  out of that store. On the contrary to most who go in there to buy jewelry, I have my eyes on a hottie italian pair of sunglasses there. We all have a secret fetish....whenwe grow up it turns into weekend shopping sprees with the girls on Michigan Ave in Chicago! It's just what we girls do!

Feeling blue? Head to Jimmy Choo! My favorite shop store.
Proving that "retail therapy" isn't just a catchy phrase.Did you know that it has been discovered that a trip to the shops can have a "lasting positive impact on mood" and "few if any negative emotional side-effects" (apparently that negative bank account balance doesn't count). So I did my homework.........Researchers asked shoppers to keep diaries monitoring their buying habits and moods, with 62 percent of respondents saying they had bought something to cheer themselves up. While those who were in a bad mood were more likely to make an impulsive purchase, 28 percent of those surveyed said they were shopping as a form of celebration.

It just so happens that retail therapy purchases were overwhelmingly beneficial, leading to mood boosts and no regrets or guilt! There does seem to be positive consequences to buying oneself a small treat: it can lead to something worse if you are not careful....but it sure does make one feel better! "Compulsive shopping and spending are defined as inappropriate, excessive, and out of control," ......My advice, stay focused, don't spend what you don't have, and keep your assets frozen!  Ladies, just be careful or you may get yourself into some serious fashionista trouble that not even Tantalizing Tina can help you out of!

©This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie.

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