Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tall and Slender, or a little Junk in the Trunk?

What figure does a man like? There has always been some debate over the power women have over men and why men are so preoccupied with the curves of a woman’s body. The hourglass figure has long been associated with good health and heightened fertility. It makes sense that evolutionarily speaking men tend to gravitate towards this body type over others when choosing a mate. And now, we have some weight to put behind that age-old argument.

Sure thin, and tapered is sexy, but  I personally know that men love a little junk in the trunk, and when we look back in history, it’s only been in recent years that women have tried to fit into the ever-shrinking box of what the ideal body is to attract a mate. It’s crazy isn't it? There are so many different types of people out there and so many beautiful people, and yet we all try to live up to this one specific standard of beauty....This is sooooo wrong ladies. Endless diets, long hours on treadmills, and sweating like there is no tomorrow....and for what?...or who? Are you doing this for you, or for a man? Sure it is terrific to appease a man, however, think of yourself.....if you want to shape up or lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, do it for you....because you wish to, never for someone else.

Here is an example; In todays society, a size zero, with impossibly perfect breasts, round bottom, chiseled abs, full lips, and tall seems to be the popular choice....but what about the rest of us? I am not condemning tall skinny women, they are beautiful, but for a woman such as myself that is 5'5 and average make and model, I have to work hard to keep a girlie figure. Eating right, exercise (which I lack at immensely, call it being lazy sometimes.....) and taking vitamins are essential. I gain 5 pounds just walking by a bakery window.

So many of us out there changing our bodies, dying our hair, plumping our faces full of toxins, undergoing unnecessary surgeries, and for what? Instead, if we would just take a minute to accept and love ourselves for who we are, then that confidence would shine through and maybe we would walk with a little more swagger, our hips making that lovely figure eight, and attract a mate who loves our strut as much as we do! Hold your head high....to those of you like myself with junk in her trunk.....what I used to think was awful, I now look at as a commodity. Did you know that women with no asses are paying for implants to have what we do? Amazing......who would have ever thought my ass would be used as anything more than a powerful weapon?
Love your body ladies, and be proud of what God gave you....Sure there are ways to improve your looks and appearance, but remember, there is only one "you!" You are simply stunning in your own way, and you stand out in the crowd. You turn heads, and your confidence peeks to a new level. You are a unique gift, wrapped and package as one of a kind......accept who you are...and be proud of your body,...it is your temple.


© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

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