Monday, July 25, 2011

Business Lunch Etiquette

The Waiter Rule

Ahhhh the rules......Believe it or not, what you do in front of your office staff says a lot about who you are, and an easy way to discover this is to watch how you treat people outside of the office. How about at a business lunch?  Do not disrespect the wait staff! The "waiter rule" is quite simple. It says that how a person treats the waiter or waitress shows his value system and who he really is inside. During a friendly lunch with a manager, an employee is going to be on best behavior. The way he treats the manager is not an indication of who he really is. When he is rude to the waiter, it shows that he is quite willing to be rude and condescending to people with less status or in service positions. An employee who is polite to the waiter or waitress shows that he values common courtesy and will treat those working under him well. He is more likely to get a promotion than his rude colleague.
1) Treat restaurant servers with respect. 2) Remember to say "please" and "thank you."

Business Lunch Etiquette

When dining with co-workers and business associates, basic table manners and the rules of restaurant etiquette apply. In addition, there are other considerations to remember when networking.
  • Even though it is lunchtime, recognize that recognize that it is still a work environment. Do not say things at lunch that would not be said in the office, because they may be repeated in the office.
  • Do not gossip about absent colleagues.
  • Do not berate the boss or the business. Have some respect, and if there is nothing nice to say, say nothing.
  • Continue to take work seriously.

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

Sometimes there is a fine line between appearing so stiff-necked you can't have any fun, and getting drunk and being a fool. Giving others either impression will result in being un-included in the future.
  • Never, never , never be the only person drinking.
  • If everybody is drinking at lunch, have one and nurse it slowly, or order something non-alcoholic.
  • At lunch, it is easy to say with a laugh and a smile, "I can't, I have to go back to work!"

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