Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do You Put your Foot in your Mouth?

Have you ever said something, or a lot of things that you didn't mean?  ......or perhaps they came out differently than you had anticipated? Sounds familiar? If you find you stick your foot in your mouth more often than not, (like I tend to do) I recommend strengthening your brain-mouth filter by thinking of the end of your sentence before you speak.

Nowadays, a lot of people seem to talk just to make noise. If that sounds like you (don't worry, I'm one of those people too), take this simple tip: Don't start a sentence if you don't know how it's going to end.That was one of my biggest struggles when I started to consciously improve my interpersonal skills. There is this thrill of talking out of nothing, just to have your voice heard. Do you talk in circles?

The interest that you may generate will soon turn into laughter or just plain ignorance. Mean what you say and know exactly how it will turn out before putting it into words. That makes sense now doesn't it? While it looks like it may add some salt and pepper to the conversation by introducing some sort of randomness, speaking without really knowing what you say will only ruin the other part expectations. They're talking to you because they're searching for meaning, not for randomness.

This, essentially, helps you keep an eye on that brain-mouth filter everyone always tells you to improve, and it will keep you from saying things that are at best, stupid, and at worst, mean or hurtful. The flip side of us likely over apply this idea. Sometimes you need to make a leap and just see where you land. When it comes to men and relationships, we do have a tendency to talk before we think.....
Here's a suggestion; count to 10, that often works for me. Remember....Don't say it if you don't mean it.
Words can be quite harmful if said in the wrong text. Out of respect, think before you speak!

© This Article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

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