Thursday, April 12, 2012

Marriage, Relationship and the Mistress....

Why do relationships fail? What is it in a marriage that makes your spouse cheat? Do they fall out of love, is it boredom, do needs more zest and spice in their life? Are they feeling old and tired of being with the same woman for several years? Mid-life crisis...or did a younger woman catch their eye? When men cheat, they do it for a variety of reasons, and most often they don't think that they'll get fact some men are very good at it and never get caught. For the most part, men that cheat are generally the ones that say that they are happy with their wife. Pardon me, but if you were happy you wouldn't be sharing your penis with another woman!

Most men don't realize how good they have it until it's too late and they get caught, then again some are so good that they will NEVER get caught. Being the other woman has it's perks, or so they may think, but later on the other woman may get bored and tired of always coming second. They get empty promises and little respect. Duhhh? Of course you do, you're the other woman. Any woman reading this article that has ever been cheated on by her husband will have steam coming out of her ears right now. It's painful and the trust can never heal your heart. Many will tell you that it does, but those of you who say this are the ones that sit with that uneasy feeling (you know the one) in your gut when he calls to say he has a late meeting, or that they guys are going out to celebrate someones promotion, or it's a coworkers birthday and we're taking him out for drinks....sound familiar?

Men who cheat really must think that they have life by the balls? They make their mistresses a lot of promises...why? To keep the romance going, to keep her from getting too close to the home front and causing chaos with his personal life. Many men that I know told me that they did it because they had far too much (financially) at stake to lose should they up and leave their wives. Isn't that just peachy to know that while your slaving in the kitchen to get dinner ready, preparing to host dinner and cocktail parties, and running kids all over timbuku, that he's out getting naked with someone else because it would cost him too much to leave you? It's sad, but oh so typical. What is worse is the women that actually do know that their husbands are sleeping with someone else but they stay and remain quiet because she can't make it without him financially, or doesn't want to lose her material possessions. Guess what sister? You've already just sold your soul to the devil.

Soooo, for those of you whom don't know the true definition of a mistress?

Mistress: A mysterious sexy woman that a married man sees in secret to have a romantic and sexual relationship with. This is the definition of a mistress. There is good sex, hotel room adventures, late nights, seductive phone calls, exciting secret dates, gifts and the thrill of doing something bad.

But is being a mistress as glamorous as it seems? Those who do it will tell you YES, but do you want my opinion? Buckle your seat belts...because what I have to say is not pretty.They are ruthless, have low self-esteem, and lack much confidence. If they had any morals whatsoever, they would not at all be sleeping with someone who was already "spoken for" shall we say. Home wreckers would be an understatement. 9 times out of 10 having a mistress turns out to be convenient. (for him)....but for you, it will lead to heartache if you develop feelings.

  Being a mistress has its exciting moments and these are the moments that convince women to become a mistress in the first place. In the beginning, the mistress holds all the power. She is the one who has the married man under a love spell and she gets all his attention and time that he should be spending with his wife. She is the one he fantasizes about when he is with his wife and the one he misses. He urges for her company and longs to hear her voice. The mistress is the woman a married man makes first priority and will shower her with gifts to keep her happy. This all sounds fun and good, but it is very short lived and eventually, the light goes on and shines on the truth of what the life of a mistress really is and eventually becomes after the sexy stage is over.

 Relationships that start off in deception usually always end in deception! My grandmother used to always say "Once a cheater, Always a cheater!"  When a woman gets involved with a married man, she turns a blind eye to the fact that he is a cheater and an unreliable partner. She sees only what she wants to see and believes only what she wants to believe. She acknowledges the fact that he is cheating on his wife with her, but refuses to see that she too is a victim of his selfish behavior- choosing to make herself his victim. Men rarely leave their wives and family for their mistresses, which means that they string their mistresses along, having them believe that one day they will both be together with no more hiding around. Mistresses hang on to this fantasy, believing that their married lover truly loves them and will eventually be with them and this begins a long journey of emotional pain, emptiness and endless waiting.

Listen, if you are someones mistress, you are pathetic, and if you are reading this blog post, get your head out of the sand and get a real life.. starting NOW!

Face the truth. Statistically, it is incredibly rare that a married man will leave his wife for the other woman. In the rarest occasions that this does occur, an overwhelming majority of the resulting marriages to a mistress end, usually because of trust issues. Going into the relationship with zero expectations of a lasting, rewarding relationship or marriage is the first step for the other woman to gain empowerment and, ultimately, recover from the emotional damage wrought by extramarital affairs.

What should you do? Develop outside interests. The road to healing begins by making sure that the other woman has interests outside of the married man. This is effective on two fronts: while the other activities help distract the mistress from fixating on the married man, it is also an opportunity to meet available men who may be able to provide a healthier relationship. Be sure that the outside interest is conducive to a healthy lifestyle, so as not to deepen issues that may lead to extramarital affairs, because in the end, you go home to an empty quiet house and he,..well he... has a beautiful family and the perfect life that you don't fit into the equation, and you NEVER will, no matter how many times you try. Don't you think you deserve better?

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