Sunday, April 8, 2012

Be Grateful, Not Hateful

Very few things can affect your overall quality of life as powerfully as your attitude can...and when people have negative attitudes they tend to rub off on others in a not so positive way leaving a real bad taste in your mouth. I call these people Debbie Downers or Negative Nancy's. Your attitude affects your career, your relationships, your hobbies, and even your financial status. So if you have a crappy attitude, it's time to make some changes! Most people discover that when they improve their attitude, everything else in their lives seems to improve also. What your attitude says about you is the magnet for the type of people that you will attract, so think long and hard before you see that glass half empty. Be grateful, not hateful!

A daily practice of gratitude is one simple way to give yourself a painless attitude adjustment because it reduces your temptation to focus on more "negative" mind-sets. When you feel grateful it is nearly impossible to feel frustrated, sad, empty, or disconnected. A negative focus and a gratitude focus cannot co-exist! They are opposites and will repel each other.

 The tips below are quick and highly effective. Make use of them today and start getting results immediately.

1. Rise and Shine!
Getting up early and taking a walk in the morning is a great way to start the day. Fifteen or twenty minutes is plenty of time for a quick walk in the brisk morning air.

2. Tomorrow is a New Day
When things aren't going the way you might like them to go, remember that as time passes, so do your troubles. At the time it may be hard to realize that things will get better, but rest assured they will.

3. Control
The only one who can give you a good attitude is you. And the great news is, it can happen whenever you want it to. You could wake up tomorrow with a brand new outlook on life. And why? Because your attitude is yours to control. You don't need permission from anyone to change it.

4. Circle of Friends
You may be trying to stay positive, but if your friends or coworkers are negative, it may make for a losing battle. The company you keep impacts your attitude greatly. Seldom will you find a group of negative thinkers and one positive attitude together. Negativity can spread, so be sure to keep clear of noticeably negative situations.

5. Healthy Diet
You have heard it a thousand times, and this will make it a thousand and one. A good diet is vital to maintaining energy, alertness, and a positive attitude. Without the necessary amounts of fuel for your body, it cannot function properly. If you find yourself in a tired and negative mood, ask yourself, 'Have I eaten yet today?'

6. Sleep
Just as important as a healthy diet is the right amount of sleep. It seems obvious but many people don't get enough sleep at night. Without rest, the body and mind become irritable, fatigued, and they drag through the day. The same effects can result from oversleeping. Make sure you get the sleep you need each night.

7. Do Unto Others
It's true what they say, you get what you give. When you focus on treating others positively and with respect, you will, in most cases, receive the same treatment. Change the focus from yourself to others and let the giving spirit be the reason for your improved view of the world.

Here are a few suggestions for using gratitude to improve your attitude:

1. Use gratitude to blot out unproductive feelings.
Sometimes we just get into a "funk" without knowing why. We wake up one morning and realize that we've lost our zest for life and a numb disinterest has taken its place. To turn this around, find something to be grateful for. Just one tiny thing is enough! Begin focusing on this thing as often as you can during the day, but most especially when that feeling of boredom or disinterest comes over you. Let a feeling of strong gratitude flood through your body, and you will shift to a more positive attitude almost immediately.

2. Begin expressing gratitude for the people around you each day.
Is your co-worker getting on your nerves? Find one thing about her you can be grateful for, and focus all of your attention on that when you start to feel annoyed. Remind yourself that everyone has both positive and negative personality traits - and you will encourage more displays of whatever you focus on! Focus on the positive traits of the people you encounter daily and watch as it transforms your interactions into mutually beneficial connections.

3. Become an optimist with the help of gratitude.
Do you find yourself in the habit of always expecting the worst? When you become aware that you have shifted into a pessimistic mind-set, consciously choose to shift into grateful optimism. For example, if you catch yourself saying something like this, "My boss doesn't appreciate anything I do so I probably won't get a raise this year" - stop and turn that thought into something like this: "I always do my absolute best for the company, and my commitment to excellence will reap great rewards. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to shine every day."

Hey, truth is that the results you get from these exercises may not be too obvious at first, but as you keep up with them you should begin to see a big difference in your attitude. You'll find yourself feeling lighter, happier, and automatically finding things to be grateful about all the time!

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