Saturday, March 31, 2012

He Loves Me,..He Loves Me Not

OK, relationships are not easy, and they take practice, lots of it! So you think that  you have met that special guy and now you're wondering how to make him fall in love with you? Girlfriend pleaseeee, it rarely happens over night, and  while there is (unfortunately) no super magic potion that you can whip up to put him under your spell, the good news is that there is a lot you can do to get and keep his interest. First of all be confident with who YOU are! It means taking the time to love yourself first and foremost, then loving someone else will be a walk in the park as they say!

First, Be Yourself ...
Most men are very independent minded creatures and like to make up their own mind about everything. They do not want you to tell them what to do and they do not like to feel they are being led or tricked into liking or disliking something. So there is no point doing things that are not natural to you, to try to please them. For example, if you hate football, do not pretend to like it just because he is a huge fan. He will know you don't really care, no matter how much work you do learning the names of all the players. He will just think you are trying to deceive or trap him, and he'll take off so fast that you'll never see him again.

... And Love Yourself
Be yourself but do not put yourself down. No Negative Nancy all right?  Many people do this, usually to reassure others that we are not a threat, but people will often take you at your own valuation and it can make them think you are boring. Ask your friends for advice here, or record yourself talking. Do you tend to make yourself look small and uninteresting? If you do, you need to get yourself out of this habit. Try to be aware and think before you speak.Look after yourself physically. Take exercise and try to eat well. This will make you feel better about yourself, plus you will develop a glow that is naturally healthy and attractive. Love yourself and he is much more likely to love you.

Be Interesting
The best way to be an interesting person is to do interesting things. Have a life. Do not spend every evening waiting for the phone to ring or watching movies on TV. Go to an evening class, meet people, take up a sport you used to like in school. Be careful not to criticize others, too.

Admire Him
We generally always tend to like the people who like us, so it is fine to let him know that you like him ... as a friend. However, if you have fallen in love at first sight it may be best to keep that to yourself. Let him be the first to say 'I love you'. Most men love to be admired. They may run a mile if you try to cling to them, but they will do almost anything for someone who admires them and believes in them without making any demands.So while it is better to keep your undying love to yourself, at least at the beginning, it is fine to tell him openly that you admire something he does. Any sentence that starts with 'I really admire the way you ...' is a winner because we all know how much men love getting their egos stroked.

If after all of this, you ask yourself, does he love me, or love me not? Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't. Listen, Rome wasn't built overnight, and if you try to rush a relationship, you'll fail. Take the time to really get to know someone and implement the tools above to help him along the way.

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