Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sexy Tips for Meeting the Right Guys

How many times have you said to your friends..."Why can't I meet a guy like that?" Or..."What did she do to land him?" Well...let's see... Being sexy is all about confidence and feeling good about who you are. What makes you so unique and appealing to a man? Have you ever sat in a bar or a night club and people watched? It is my favorite thing to do. However, you don't need to be in a bar to do this, I did it a few days ago at the Laguardia Airport in NYC. What you wear, how you sit, talk, and walk all make a statement about who you are. It defines your self worth whether you realize it or not. Take pride in who you are and how you come across to others. Wouldn't you much rather have someone notice the elegant, finer things that you do rather than remember that you were the girl that chugged down a can of beer and ate nuts out of a bowl like a dog? I've listed some rules about being sexy that every woman should try to follow. If you are attracting the wrong kind of man, sister take a good hard look at yourself in the may be "you" that needs some adjusting!

Natural is sexy. Many young girls believe that layers of make-up will make them look sexier. Much to the contrary, sexy mature is classy, not slutty. Demure make up is best. Remember only emphasize one feature or evenly (and lightly) emphasize all features. Too much make up looks trashy.

Being sexy is communicated by choice of drink. Shots, alcopops, and cheap "wine" are all the marks of an immature girl, and not particularly sexy. Good wine or a nice cocktail are marks of a more sophisticated woman. Ladies, learn your wines, and learn to like a martini. It is classy and men will take notice. Trust me, no man wants to see a woman slamming down a shot of tequila and licking salt off her hand. If you want to be treated like a lady, first you must act like one.

Keep clothes flattering, and sexy. Skimpy outfits and short dresses might get a boy's immediate attention, but that attention will be gone just as fast. Leave them guessing a little. Clean fitted clothes are best. Choose flattering colors and fabrics. It might not need to be expensive but it should make you feel good about yourself. If you can't get comfortable in it then it makes you look awkward and uncomfortable.

Be yourself and more importantly be respectful of yourself. Younger people tend to put out vibes they believe will make them feel accepted. A sexy and mature woman is confident with who she is. Confidence and self respect are some of the sexiest things a woman can be and these two things are what will win a mans heart and captivate him most.

Colors are important. Different colors are associated with different levels of maturity. Young children tend to wear light bright colors. Sexy and demure colors can range from anywhere to black, neutrals, to jewel tones. Avoid neons...please!

Learn to walk in high heels. It is an absolute must for becoming sexy and mature. Heels make legs look more shapely and have a slimming effect. Never wear heels higher than you are comfortable with (wobbling awkwardly is never sexy) and avoid platforms. Platform heels are for goths or pornstars. Wear them around the house until you're used to them, start out with a 1 inch if you're not used to heels at all, and work your way up to a 4 inch, month after month. Men love women in heels. It's sexy and appealing to their eyes. Heels are the magnet that lure a man to you.

Wear lingerie to fit your outfit. Young girls tend to think the "whale tale" (thong sticking out), or bra straps hanging out are sexy. This is not sexy, it's slutty. Sexy is looking amazing in your outfit "naturally." (Cleavage is sexier if the push-up bra isn't obvious.) Ok, owning two lingerie companies, Simply Delicious Lingerie, and my new plus size store coming soon, Simply Luscious Lingerie, I can tell you that your appearance says a lot about who you are. It makes a statement to your inner self. If you are confident, you can pull any piece of lingerie off. However, with many of us, our sizes and shapes vary as we get older, unfortunately, and we need to find something that will ready seduce not only our minds and make us feel great, but it has to supersede his expectations far beyond belief as well. Think of lingerie as your first layer. If your selection is good and you feel good in it, the rest of you will feel great also!

Wear a sexy perfume. Not stuff like Britney Spears and J Lo smells, but Armani< Dior, Gucci, and Calvin Klein are what scents reel a man in. If you can't afford it, try things like Estee Lauder and Tommy Hilfiger, or simply go to the local drugstore or perfume department and sniff around until you find a cheap perfume that you love. GO to outlet stores, they often run some great sales. is another place to look, Ebay as well. Be careful not too spray too much on. People should smell it if they're giving you a tight hug. If they're standing a foot away and can smell you strongly, then you're wearing too much. Just dab directly to your wrists and throat.

Jewelery should be understated and meant to emphasize your outfit/ features. Gaudy and over-the-top jewelery is not for the sexy mature woman. Jewelery does not need to be expensive, but it should look real and classy. Nothing too goddy...unless you really want to look tacky. Simply is better. It says that you have taste and know how to accessorize in a subtle way.

Know how to Eat, and Order your Food. This means, for God sakes, don't chomp on your gum, in fact, don't even be chewing gum when you are with a man on a date. If you play with your gum while chewing on it, go home. You look like a silly school girl and now business savvy man or any gentleman for that matter will take you serious. Etiquette for Dummies...I preach this to the chore all the time...BUY IT! Know your table manners, your drinks, wine, and what foods to order and when.

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