Saturday, September 10, 2011

Starting the Day Off on the Wrong Foot?

Have you ever heard that term "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed" or "Starting the day on the wrong foot?" These are warning signs of having a bad day...Welcome to my world! Today, unfortunately, I began mine...I woke up with a headache. A bad one at that I might add. I suffer migraines and this is all so new to me. They began a few years ago shortly after I relocated to Houston, Texas. I saw neurologist after neurologist. Most of them just wanted to dope me up and send me on my way after the handed me (a no health insurance patient) a whopper bill for $450 a visit and said..."see you in two weeks, let us know how the meds are working?" I'm sorry but "WTF?" They never took the time to try to understand what caused me to feel this was after being so healthy even after my cancer.

....And you wonder why people hate doctors? Hey, this story gets better. One my last shred of hope and in pain so severely that I could no longer operate an automobile because the dizzy and faint spells occurred, I met a neurologist who took the time to get to know me. My routines, my eating habits, and my physical and mental history. No one ever asked in detail like this guy did, and I was grateful! With meds, and a change in my diet, I now only suffer these headache occasionally and now I know when they are creeping up on me! I still dislike going to see the doctor, but even I know when not to push my limits.

I no longer allow this pain to control my life. I decided that I was not going to give up many things that I liked because they made me Mr Gucci, you should have me as your spokes person because even when the physician told me that my perfume was too strong and was annoying my senses,...I said; "Stop wearing my Gucci "Envy?" Never! I'd rather be ill and smell good than feel great and not have that wonderful scent on me.

Today, along with starting my day on the wrong foot it happened....I showered to make my head feel better. The hot water really helps. After getting out of the shower, I dried my hair and as I was turning around to unplug the hairdryer it happened....

The cord caught my bottle of Gucci Envy on the bathroom counter and before I could grab it....the bottle broke and my floor was saturated in it. What does one do? Think FAST! Ohhhh how I cried. Then I refused to wipe it up and lose like the cheap woman I am, I scooped it into a bottle, or what little I could, and then I used a towelette to pick up the rest.

This story gets have to know me first of all, as my family and friends order to get the real humor of this story...imagine a full grown woman rolling around her bathroom floor soaking up the perfume she lost when the bottle hit the floor. Ok, now multiply that strong scent (for those of you who wear or know Gucci, you know what I'm talking about...) times ohhhh I don't know like x 1000 and imagine a what a woman might smell like with that much Gucci on her 5'5 140 pound body? YIKES!!!!!  Honestly, you can smell me a mile away!

There was no way in hell I was going to throw that away,...nope, not so fast. Did I mention the bottle was practically full, so that made it even bad day just got worse. My suggestion is if you are anywhere in Youngstown Ohio and as far away as Cleveland and you smell something with a strong scent and a wonderful aroma? It's just me passing thru!

Listen, there is a moral to this story, even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or start the day off on the wrong foot, or you walk the dog only to step in his pile of shit,...think of me...I came out smelling like a rose...or Gucci Envy. Might I suggest though Mr Gucci, some sort of bottles that are shatter-proof for gals on the go like myself?

So ask yourself? Are you; Having a bad day?

Your attitude can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Today it took everything I had in me to keep it my friend. It can take you to levels you never thought possible, or it can be the single most limiting element in your life. Your attitude — good or bad — is contagious. It spreads to your coworkers, your family, and especially your clients, affecting everything you do.

Having a bad attitude will cost you sales, business, friends, time, and energy. You will never make it to the top of your game if you consistently have "stinkin' thinkin'." Of course, everyone has bad days and gets down once in a while. Still, learn to control your attitude and your consistent thoughts and beliefs will always prevail. Turn something bad into something good like I did, and remember, "Shit happens" it's how you learn to deal with it that makes up a stronger person.

© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie.

1 comment:

  1. Michele, I'll say it again. You make us laugh so hard we cry! We can't imagine a woman rolling around a floor absorbing the perfume she just lost but man who I give anything to have seen that? Not only do you write, you share with us your good and your bad days and we appreciate that.

    I think Gucci should replace your perfume. You had a great idea with shatter proof. You should patent that if no one has yet. Not to mention the publicity you are ging him and this free advertising for their company!

    Well, just wanted to say thanks for the good morning laughter and blog to read. Keep'em coming sunshine!

    Glen Overbeaz
    Tuscon AZ
