Monday, June 13, 2011

Keep it Simple

Don’t worry, not all guys are chasing after bathing beauties or supermodels....and if they are they certainly are not the guys for you. Looks are skin deep, personailty and class one can not assume, it is a gift, rare, and not at all to be disguised. There are ways to tell the difference between really classy woman and phony women, yet, can with a few easy tips.

Have a Personality!

 It's more important that your looks,....oh yes it is! It’s the best advice I can offer you, ladies.
I’ve met lots of women who were very beautiful, but who unfortunately had very dull personalities. All that beauty suddenly disappeared: a total disappointment. Then what? NOTHING! Your personality will certainly carry you through any obstacles you may face, and it makes you stand out and be remembered.
Eye Contact!
 Ladies, men give them direct eye contact. Always look at a man, not at your feet and not with your head in the clouds....It shows security and independence. It shows no lack of confidence and definitely a woman worth getting to know! Be aware that some men are shy and don’t really have the balls to come up and approach you when you’re playing the clever, untouchable young lady of the world. When you activate your anti-dork shield they may drop theirs and be less nervous. So then, why not make his task easier? A little Eye Contact with a very subtle and sexy smile would be a lovely signs of interest  from you, your first gift so to speak, to this slightly shy prince charming…

Be some Style!

I’m talking about your clothes. You’re invited, ladies, to put on clothes in which you feel COMFORTABLE. Don’t dress up in a Barbie costume to imitate miss too-sexy. Wear your own size and something comfy….otherwise, you’re going to look like out of place. Dress for your age, not the mentality. It’s very important to understand and know that a woman who tries to ‘play the great game of fashion’ may be ill-treated. Men like simple n a woman....pearls, or light accessories, lace, and very little make up. You don't have to look like a million bucks to find a good man, be 9 times out of 10 a man will find you more attractive with messy hair and no make may think you look bad, but your personality will shine through all of the little things that you worry about....what do they see? ......They see sexy, confident, and they see YOU!

© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

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