Thursday, November 10, 2011

6 Suggests for Keeping the Spark in your Marriage....

1. Have really good sex.

That's right...that is exactly what I said. One marriage counselor and therapist after another will tell you that sex is a vital part of successful marriages. If you're having problems in the bedroom, talk it out with your spouse and maybe even consider seeing a medical doctor or sex therapist if the issue requires professional help to get resolved. Even if things are hot and heavy in the bedroom, you can always make improvements.

2. Woo your spouse with lots of hugs and kisses.

Kissing and touching your spouse is a great way to keep the heat between you burning. Increase the romance factor by surprising your spouse with an extraordinarily passionate kiss every so often. It doesn't always have to lead to sex, but it plants the seed for future encounters and makes the day a little more exciting.

3. Don't take your spouse for granted.

Too many couples fall into a rut because they start to just expect their partner to always be there and they quit courting one another. But marriage -- at least in part -- is an agreement to court each other forever. Continue to go out on dates and getting silly with each other. My parents just celebrated their 49th anniversary and they still have date night. Take the position that the fun does not have to end just because you said, "I do."

4. Resolve issues that get in the way of romance.

The biggest obstacle  to romance is tension and stress that arises between couples who are having problems -- from an overly intrusive mother-in-law to unpaid bills. Discuss problems as they arise and try to find solutions that will satisfy both of you. If the problems are too big for the two of you to handle on your own, seek help.

5. Create a love nest.

Make your home conducive to romance, a sanctuary where the two of you have privacy and tranquillity. Setting the mood for romance in the dining room the bathroom, most definitely the bedroom, and certainly anywhere else in between is not difficult, nor does it have to cost a lot of money.

6. Try being more adventurous.

Regardless of your ages, or how long you've been married....after a couple has been together a while, they may at times tend to get a little bored. Sure it happens, but it doesn't end here. When this happens you're going to need to spice it up...yes you heard me, kick it up a notch sister by foregoing your usual routine. Take a weekend getaway, try a new move in the bedroom, get dressed up for a night on the two with each other. The unexpected always makes life a little more exciting.

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