Monday, December 17, 2012

Fellas, What Does the Alcohol YOU Drink Say About you?

 So many times I hear people whisper under their breath when someone orders a drink at a bar or club.Why? Well, they say that particular drinks tell a story about the true you. Do I believe this, well, I drink martinis, so yes, I suppose that I do. Nonetheless, please do not take offense to this...chill if you will. So let's take a look and see what your choice of liquor says about you? These personal observations may be offensive to some readers, and if they are, those are not the intentions at all, so banter me if you will. The following is meant to be humorous and should be read as such.I could not list all of the drinks/liquors, however, I listed the most popular ordered:

 Frozen drinks: Not for the boys. Chicks order frozen drinks.

Domestic Light Beer (Bud Light, Miller Light)
You’re impulsive and quick to take risks. You’re respectful of authority, accepting of most people, and generally easy to get along with. You’re also 34 percent less likely than the average man to buy organic. Personally, I think guys order light beer because it’s a comfortable order for them.

Domestic Full-Flavor Beer (Budweiser, Coors Original)
You’re sensible, grounded, and practical. You’re generally middle-of-the-road in your politics, and quick to challenge authority. Betcha didn't know that you’re also 42 percent more likely than the average man to own a truck. It’s the cheapest option, and often has the least amount of alcohol, so these guys are trying to pace themselves, booze-wise and financially.

Craft Beer/Imports (Sierra Nevada, Blue Moon, Heineken)
You’re more likely to be politically left leaning, outgoing, and extroverted. You’re intellectually curious and open-minded, and you’re interested in new and varied experiences.

You’re mature and discerning, and you’re likely an organized professional. You tend to be unadventurous and less likely to take risks. Chances are good you’ve graduated from college, have a good head on your shoulder and you are classy enough to enjoy some red or white verse a bottle of beer. When a guy orders wine, it makes me think he’s comfortable with himself, and maybe a little more confident than the average Joe.

White Wine Spritzer
Not for the guys...NOPE!  Its usually the housewives or ultra conservative girls who order these. 3 drinks later and they are sloshed.

 White Zinfandel
 Lets be honest here. It should be renamed "White Trash". Everyone ordering it tries to come off as sophisticated. Not going to happen. You want to know a quick way to immediately scream "White Trash".... order wine and add ice to it.

You want to project an image of masculinity and authority. You’re also discerning. Blended whiskey drinkers are more likely to be age 21 to 46, while single-malt drinkers are more likely to be age 50 or older.

 White Russian
Oh boy.... Only the most clueless drinkers will drink MILK with ALCOHOL. You drink more than 3 of these, and I will guarantee that you will be puking all over the bar bathroom floor. I can assure you, it's not going to be pretty.

You enjoy being in charge. You care about fashion and appearance, and you’re both opinionated and independent. It seems upscale and appealing if you order it on the rocks or in a martini. 

You have a realistic outlook on life, and you appreciate comfort and security. You’re interested in relationships, and your focus is on family and home life. It has been said that this seems like a sophisticated middle-aged man’s drink. I don’t know many young guys that drink gin, but I’m impressed by the ones who do.

You’re experimental and creative, and quick to abandon one pursuit in favor of another. You’re more likely than the average man to enjoy jazz and art. You may be slightly eccentric, and you’re often impulsive. Bacardi and Captain Morgan are for ladies’ drinks. Another thing; they also have a huge ego and a very good imagination, so keep the compliments coming. Dudes should never order them, especially not with Coke. Respectable rum drinkers are particular, and order brands like Mount Gay, 10 Cane, Old Monk. Hey... there’s nothing wrong with a rum cocktail—if it’s done right. Oh and fellas.. NO umbrella allowed!

You’re a free spirit, and you’re unconcerned with achievement in either the short or the long term. You’re outgoing, talkative, and fun to be around. “There’s nothing wrong with a shot of a good tequila. Guys who drink straight tequila are playboys and want to party. It's ok when your young, but if you are older and doing this, the gals will certainly take notice and scram!

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