Thursday, May 26, 2011

Masquerading your Identity

I've been called  defiant, energetic,exuberant, even sarcastic. It has been said by many that I am like that of the girl next door meets vixen. A bit chaste... every now and then risque! I'd say I was misconstrued by those who don't really know me.

I'm fun, out going, lively, caring, and giving, and on the other hand; sensual, sexy, alluring, adventurous, classy,charismatic. I have the flair to do most anything I set out to do. I am proficient, and talented. I can conquer the most impossible of tasks with an uncanny ability to succeed. So can you! My past is written proof of this. I learned quite quickly after my divorce that I had to juggle parenthood, a full time job, and two kids in their early teens...did I mention that I was responsible for teaching them to drive? If that didn't make me age 10 years nothing will.

Quite magnetic that of two identities in masquerade but under it all a perspicuous woman waiting to be discovered, sought out and pampered by the right man. I am here to tell you that we all feel like we are split down the center at times. No job is harder that that of a women who is being pulled in five different directions. We stress out, cry, and sometime throw things to release tension or anger. You're not alone....there are many others just like you. Whether you are in a relationship, dating, or married, this can apply to all of you. You can still be a savvy business woman, a mother, a care giver, etc., in public, but in private and behind closed doors the mask comes off and you can be erotic, exotic intoxicating stellar woman and Simply Delicious Lingerie is here to make sure you not only look sexy but feel sexy! Find your happy medium, balance your lifestyle and enjoy every day! Don't ever be afraid to hide being your mask at times, it is your shield that protects you, but it's your self esteem and confidence that allows you to rise above! Don't be afraid to unlease the wild woman every once in a while...


  1. Are you saying that it's ok to be one person as a whole yet hide two totally opposite personalities? How do you switch off and on?

    Rachel McSmithers
    Long Beach, CA

  2. What kind of lingerie would you suggest for some romantic time with your partner? We've been fighting lately and I want to try to rekindle the spark. I enjoyed your article, thanks for the advice. I read your other article entitled "Find the Perfect Fit" and I LOVED IT!!!

    Jenni T
    Virginia Beach, VA

  3. I had to read this three times. Each time I read it I enjoyed it more.

    Newark. NJ
