Tuesday, August 6, 2013

One Sided Relationships...

Relationships are truly a give and take. It takes two to make it work, nonetheless only one to ruin it. Nothing in the world is as disheartening than when a man treats you poorly especially in a relationship that you thought was a relationship. Nothing is more inconsiderate than when he flirts, speaks of other women being 'hot' in front of you, or if he just ignores you.There are many ways of doing this so listen up. Before I start into this I must first state that given those of you who do treat your lady with respect and like a princess, you are truly the exception and perhaps the jackasses that think life is all about 'me, me, me' should read this and make some serious changes in their lives becoming more like all of you good guys.

When a women begins dating a man she has reservations. We all do. As days, weeks, or even months go by there is a certain limitation that one hits before she has to ask herself "Why do I even care about this man?" Have you made your relationship exclusive yet or is he beating around the bush? Is he seeing only you or are there others? Men love what they cannot have and men love the chase, ohhh but when they catch you the thrill is gone most often and we women end up with the short end of the stick clinging to promises and getting very little in return.

When a man that you have been seeing for some time hides his cell phone, puts it face down, or erases/deletes text messages that you asked to see, he is hiding something. Is he cheating? He may not think so, but he might as well be cheating. Flirting and sweet talking another woman while he is spending time with you is wrong, inconsiderate and uncalled for. When you are with someone and it has been long term (more than 6 months) and he has not changed his ways..ladies, it is time to seriously rethink your options regarding this one. He is not worthy of you or your love for that matter and I would say that you deserve so much better than the cards that you were dealt.

Relationships whether they have been deemed exclusive or not require honesty and most importantly communication. What happens though when the one you care for the most can't see the forest through the trees and can't make the connection that he is doing anything wrong? Does he have blinders on you ask, or is he riding today on the short bus? Some women, like myself stay single for a variety of reasons, but mostly because they fear getting hurt. How can we open our heart to love if we don't allow our heart to feel? Its a tough call, but when you meet that one man that makes everything else in your life seem minimal because he is all that you think about, breathe and dream about, you won't want to imagine your life with anyone else.Taking risks is what we do when we develop feelings for someone. They don't happen over night...but they happen if there is chemistry. Going out on a limb to make them happy before your own well being is a sign of compassion.

I believe that paths cross for a reason and I believe that we make our own destiny. I think that two people find their way and when they meet if it is real, the spark will never die. I believe that actions speak louder than words. Call me crazy but I want the fairy tale. I don't need the castle or the white picket fence. All you need is love. I want a groovy kind of love, with one man who wants me as much as I want him. Every woman longs to get complimented by a man and every woman desires to be loved. Wake up and smell the coffee guys...So, if you care for her, show her....if you love her, tell her...if you don't let her go, so that someone will love her the way that she deserves to be loved, don't you think she at least deserves that much?


  1. Ouch...someone hit a nerve! For the record, I was that man a few years ago and my wife (then girlfriend) made me find my way through that damn forest. It took a while, but in the end I realized when I learned of another man trying to win her affection that she was the love of my life and whether I was rich or poor, sick or healthy I was going to dedicate all that I had to her, and on March 9, 2011 I got down on one knee, and I proposed to her in the rose garden at a park where our paths first crossed. This article gave me a dose of what could have been if didn't wise up. I am the luckiest man in the world today because of this woman.

    Carl C
    Naperville, IL

  2. MssDelicious, I enjoy your articles. You can feel the emotions running deep in your words. He will wise up. Any man that lets you go is a fool.

    Earl Getty
    Norfolk, VA

  3. Oh little lady I needed to hear this tonight. I am that woman who puts her mans needs first before her own and I am the women who gets left behind when he needs his me, me, me time. Communication is what couples need. Some men find it difficult to talk their emotions out. The fabricate thoughts so that they feel better and can justify what they did and how poorly they may or may not have made us feel, but in the end, we are the ones who have been hurt,who cry ourselves to sleep at night and who wonder if we are enough for him? You certainly called this kettle black.

    Veronica B
    Santa Fe New Mexico

  4. 2013 August 7, 6:00 AM:
    For years I have followed your advice columns and for years I have been mesmerized by your words and actions. You are caring, considerate and loved by so many people, both men and women globally, yet you are humble. I awaken to your blogs each and every morning lassie and I can feel the love, hurt and anger at times that you write of. Relationships are not easy, and they are not all good. Once upon a time I met a man while taking a short cut to buy a book, a romance novel by my favorite author that had just been published. Had I not taken this back road, off the beaten path my path would never have crossed with my husband and we would not have 5 children and 12 grand children today, 33 years later. I too believe in fate and making ones destiny as you would call it. Real love is a powerful thing. Real love is worth risking everything. Relationships take time.Thank you for years and tears.

    Elizabethe McGloglin
    Manchester England

  5. Nice read Ms Michele. Well done. Ive grown fond of your literature over the years.

    Abigail McDoogan
    London England, UK

  6. Waiting for you in Pittsburgh...

