Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Keeping The Sizzle In Your Relationship

Ask any man what happens most when they enter into a relationship with someone how they feel and they will tell you that they are with the hottest woman on the planet who seduces him ever chance she gets. He'll tell you that she is enticing and erotic. He'll say she has moves that rock his world. He'll tell you that he has a great love life and sex life. Men have a yearning for intimacy. They crave attention both mentally and physically. What I am hearing from a lot of men is that after they move in together or marry that it all goes from sizzle to fizzle. Why you ask? I'm not sure really...some women feel that they have to keep up a sensual portrayal in the relationship.

Some women do it in fear that they will lose their man if the sex diminishes over weeks, or months, or years. Ladies, if this is the case, you're out of your league and you went into a relationship with a lot of false expectations of what a real true relationship is. Sex is not the answer. YES it is fabulous, but there is much much more to a good relationship than just sex. That's the easy part. If this is what you've built your relationship on my friend, you are setting your relationship up for failure. Whether your relationship is new or you've been in it for 20 years, you have to keep it fresh and enjoy every day together.

Relationships are like a well blended recipe. You need the finest of ingredients to make the dish taste delicious. The same holds true with a good relationship. You need a friendship base mixed with a solid foundation first. You need to set boundaries. You need to communicate and most definitely know that you can trust this person. Without communication and trust you're relationship will sink like quicksand. My suggestion is to build a foundation with this person. Lay some ground rules and give one another the space necessary to not feel overwhelmed by a new relationship. Keep your friends, stay active and allow your mate to do the same.

Being in a relationship does not mean being attached to the hip with the person. It means that you have found someone that you like, or love and are fond of and want to develop more with them. Relationships don't happen over night. They take weeks, or even months to build. So many times I hear people say that they were all 'hot and heavy' at the beginning when they first started dating and after several months that went out the window. Teasing and pleasing are what keep a relationship alive.

I'm not a professional here BUT when you start off in any new relationship and give a man what he wants all the time at the drop of a hat, he tends to learn to expect it. Oh yeah sure sex in the middle of the night is erotic but what happens when you are together all the time and you have to cram for an exam, or wake up early for a conference call and you need your beauty sleep? He is not going to want to hear "baby no, I'm tired....not now!" Sex is a beautiful thing and being sensual with your partner is an intimacy that you share in and out of the bedroom. Sex isn't just something you do at night or in the bedroom for that matter. Try new things...and try them in new places. The kitchen, the billiard room or the laundry room? The bedroom isn't the only place to make whoopee!

I believe that in all relationships there is what I call 'give and take.' You give a little, he gives a little. You give a lot, he gives a lot. You have to learn what one another needs. You have to understand when you can lay it on thick and when you need to back off and give your partner space. No one wants to be suffocated in a relationship. You have to have much respect and trust for this person. You have to openly communicate with them and talk about your needs.

What mot couples tend to lack later in relationships is fun. The sizzle goes to fizzle because they laid it on thick at the beginning and now they seem boring perhaps? Not true...ask any red blooded man what he likes and he'll tell you foreplay. Ladies foreplay isn't a's a fun way of making your partner feel desired. Shop together online at or for sexy intimate apparel that will crank it up a notch in the bedroom and every room. Role play in the bedroom. Step outside of your comfort zone every now and then. Try new things, but never make your partner feel that if you don't do something he'll be angry. Relationships are 50/50. It's a two way street my friend. Making it work is not easy, but my grandmother used to tell me that anything worth having is worth working for. The real deal is truly worth the wait and the effort.

Foreplay is something that you can do all day....Make your man feel the hunger. Give him something to crave. You need to slowly seduce him. Have fun, enjoy your relationship and build it day by day. Rome wasn't built over night, and neither are relationships. Chemistry is key and when you've got it, that's your main ingredient. Give him a sample of what is in store for him tonight when he arrives home. Make him thirsty for you. Believe me, making a man sit and think all day about what his lover is cooking up at home will be all that he has on his mind...and I'm not talking about dinner! Keeping the relationship alive and fun shouldn't take a lot of hard work. It takes knowing your partner well enough to keep the romance alive and with this the love will continue to grow. When you have this, your relationship will most definitely sizzle and in more ways than just bedroom fun.

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