Monday, January 9, 2012

Bad Day...Where's your Confidence?

In order to have confidence, one must first understand the true definition of what it really is exactly;

con·fi·dence [ kónfidənss ]  
  1. belief in own abilities: self assurance or a belief in your ability to succeed
  2. faith in somebody to do right: belief or trust in somebody or something, or in the ability of somebody or something to act in a proper, trustworthy, or reliable manner
  3. secret: something told to somebody that is to be kept private

So you think you're having a bad day, where is your confidence? Whether it happens often or not, we all have them. Times when we want to bury our heads in the sand, or stay under our covers in the morning and never get out of bed...regardless of what type of person you are, we always tend to remember the 'bad days' over the good ones. Why is this? It's part of life. We let low self-esteem creep in and it can take over, so don't let it. You must believe in yourself first.

Listen, being confident does not mean you have to brash and offensive. It simply means you can sail into any situation without having agonizing seizures of insecurities. Having confidence is separate from having self-esteem; it is about capability of doing something with panache. Self-esteem has something to do with valuing the self. Something to remember; Confidence is not inborn. It is a result of constant practice and effort. There are several ways to have that kind of self-composure. First keep physically and mentally fit. The mind and body jive is vital to develop positive thoughts.

Even when we are having what we think of as the worst day ever, it is helpful to put it into perspective.
What makes a bad day “bad?”  Many things can make for a bad day. Try to take it in stride and look for even just one positive thing that came out of that day.
If you are a woman who is a professional at the office or if you own a business, I think it is crucial that a any business owner be confident in the work or service he or she provides. If you’re not confident in your work, why would any of your potential clients be confident in you? Confidence and great self-esteem go hand in hand. Example; By knowing the value you provide and the expertise you bring to the table, you show that you have a product that is worthy of the price you charge. If you can sell it with confidence, people will buy it because they trust not only you, but your word. It's building respect and everyone wants to be respected.

Your time is valuable, do you want to spend it feeling sorry for yourself or being angry at others? No. My advice, and although I am not an expert, I know a little bit about the topic. Dig deep and find strength and feed from it. Turn the negatives into positives. Wipe off that frown and try to smile for God's not that bad.  You don’t have to be in a bad mood if your day is not going as planned.  Deal with it. You can choose to be frustrated, angry, or sad just as easily as you can choose to laugh it off, be happy, or be grateful. Pull it together sister. So if you think you're having a bad day...dig may be under a few layers but it's there, and once you find it your life will change for the better. No more low self-esteem, no more negative thoughts, think positive, confident, for underneath it all, you are super woman!

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