Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Top 10 Tips That Your Boyfriend/Spouse is Cheating...

There is one word in the English language that no woman wants to hear. CHEATER. No one likes to be played the fool. My grandmother used to always say; "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Lets face it ladies, no woman wants to ever believe that her man is cheating on her. What starts out something as simple as flirting or teasing can turn into a giant ball of lies that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I generally write about two things...lingerie and love. I love lingerie. I know love. 

Is your man being unfaithful? If you ask him and he is extremely defensive and tries to make you feel like you're crazy for suspecting anything, then that's a key indicator. The cheating man does more than lie, he will then try to turn it around and make the woman feel like she's out of line.  If you notice a decrease in sex over a period of time in your relationship and he cannot make direct eye contact at you then Good Lord, let this be your 'red flag!'

Relationships are Built on 3 things:

Love, Trust and Communication. 
If you are missing one or more of these you need to look at the big picture because you've got problems.

Top 10 tips that your mate is cheating:

1) Your mate easily becomes offended when you make normal and natural inquiries and may demand to know why you are checking up on him. He asks you why you constantly nag at him? He may tell you to stop trying to control him or his life. You're not his mother, remember? He begins to question why, why, why you keep asking him ridiculous questions?

2)Your mate's sleeping pattern changes considerably from the norm and may include unexplainable exhaustion, restlessness, frequent nightmares and sleep-talking. He may fall asleep on the couch and when he ventures to bed act as if he is sleeping immediately. Why? He's all sexed out from being with someone else and can't get it up perhaps. 

3) Your mate is more interested in playing with his cell phone including texting and checking emails than spending time talking with you or making love to you. 

4) Your mate stops complimenting you on your looks...why? Because he found someone else to compliment. 

5)Your mate rarely talks to you. You live together but you don't interact hardly at all anymore. Your communication really sucks. He has become cold and inconsiderate of your feelings and hasn't a clue as to what is going on in your personal life whatsoever, what's worse is that he doesn't even ask. Why? Because he is always too busy talking about himself. If you can't stroke his ego, he finds someone who will to fill the emotional void. 

6) Ok, so here is the flip-side to #5; Your mate is more attentive to your needs than usual. This is due to the guilty feelings experienced by the cheater in the early stages of his or her affair. The attention will diminish as the affair continues.

7)You know your mate's habits, routines and attitudes better than anybody, so be suspicious when these things start to change. You may even begin to catch him in little lies, ...the reality of it all is that these turn to big lies and before long it gets easier and easier to lie more and more.

8)Your mate becomes super moody and down right angry at times. He seems very upbeat and excited when leaving you but acts somber and depressed when he's around you. Most often looking for excuses to get out and run errands but never has an explanation of where he has been for a few hours of 'lost' time that he cannot account for. 

9)Your mate easily becomes offended at the comments or digs you make, however harmless they may be. Why? Because he has something to hide!

10) Your mate would rather spend time with someone than be with you. Is he taking more cash out of the ATM than he used to? Could it be that he wants no paper trail of where the money is going and who he is spending it on, because it certainly isn't you. Does he golf too much, go to the gym more than usual or have business meetings more often than before? Or does he go out to dinner with you and you find him checking his cell phone, or taking calls that he says he 'has to take' and then steps outside for a few minutes leaving you alone? These are signs that your relationship is in trouble and that someone is monopolizing his time, and sister it's not you!

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