Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can Foods Tighten Your Tummy?

It has been said in the past that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Both women and men  day after day tend to look for ways to burn the fat and shake a few pounds, especially at this time of year (and when I say this time of year I am speaking for those of us that live in the eastern or midwest areas where snow still covers the ground but we desperately await sunshine and warm temps.) However, in recent studies, there has talk about food tightening the tummy. No this is not a magical system to shrink belly fat overnight, and if you believe that you are sadly being misled.

Nevertheless, like sand in an hour glass, time is ticking...Is this all speculation? Perhaps it was, or so I thought, but after reviewing these particular items that I am about to share with you and reading facts and statements by others I decided to try it myself and I can honestly tell you that I have noticed an improvement in my tummy. Let me give you some history about me; I am a happy, healthy, cancer free gal with a lot to live for! Prior to a few years ago, weight was never a big issue for me. At my age (50) gravity tends to set in and menopause has made its way through my body tearing it up over the last several years, causing drastic changes and added weight to just appear, especially in areas where it never did before. My stomach and waistline area suffered. The pounds just packed on and all I could do was cry.

Summer months no longer meant sunbathing for me and that was quite difficult as my families owned beach front properties where we vacations frequently. I didn't want to look like the beached whale bathing in the sand. Instead, I sat in my swimming suit with with a wrap around my waist hiding behind my Prada sunglasses hoping no one would see the chubby lady. I didn't like this me. I was determined to say enough is enough. While I am working now from my home office full time, I decided to clean out the refrigerator and only buy foods that would help me, not hurt me. At first I thought it would be really tough but after a month, it didn't really seem so bad. I am able to eat foods that I like and exercise less because they are working their magic and burning fat from my areas that caused me so much grief. Do I exercise? Sure I do a few times a week I pop in my 'yoga booty ballet' DVD and dance along to that, but I am NOT one of those up at 5am get to the gym sorta gals.

So, do you want to learn more? Of course you do because you have a bathing suit with your name on it and in your mind you are thinking "man I have to knock of 10 pounds before summer!"So where does one begin? How about with breakfast? I was awful at choosing the right breakfast foods. I'd go to the fridge and grab a can of pop and something quick such as last nights left overs heated up or worse, candy bars from the pantry. No, no, no! Here's where I made my first change...

I've learned that oats are a wonderful way to start your day. Why? They fill you up quickly making your body think that it's really full, even if it may not be. Let me guess, you don't have the time to wake up and cook oats? Hey, guess what they come in packets. You simply add water. You can microwave them at the office or better in their own small containers even with fruit, etc., where you can pop them in the microwave and take them on the go on your way to work. Need flavor? I'm certainly not at all a cinnamon lover however did you know that by putting cinnamon on it has natural thermionic properties that can increase your metabolism?

OK, so you don't particularly like oats? Some of us don't…then try grapefruit. My thoughts on this one? Thanks but no thanks, I'll stick with the oats. Grapefruit is my absolutely worst source of fruit and would honestly be my last choice of fruit nonetheless it has been proven to lower insulin levels which promote weight loss and get your metabolism racing. My problem was when I was 18 I went on a crazy diet (because I felt fat) where I ate, breathed and drank grapefruit which was unhealthy for me and I landed in the hospital with IV drips. To this day the smell of grapefruit turns my stomach.

Next; Red peppers and almonds. I'll bet you didn't know it but peppers contain capsaicin which help with burning stubborn fat. That's it…from here on out peppers go in everything I cook! Almonds are a super source of protein to help keep your body full and your metabolism kicking! Instead of reaching for a bag of chips at night while watching your favorite show on television, pour a small bowl of almonds and snack on them. These bad boys will burn calories and keep your metabolism going while you are sleeping and dreaming in la-la-land. No, I'm not saying that they are magical, but almonds, unlike those junk foods filled with fat and empty calories are actually doing something good for your body.

Salmon; You probably already know that of all the fish to eat salmon is loaded with Omega Fatty 3 Acids which are super beneficial for fat loss. This is great news, however it does not mean to go to the grocery store and buy a months supply of fish. Trust me, you'll get sick of it real fast. I bake mine in the oven in 1/4 cup of water, lemon juice, and some parsley flakes. Eat it with other combined foods mentioned and together they will all help tighten those fatty areas that give you problems.

Chicken; Now here's a great source of lean protein. Did you know that by doing something as simple as placing more proteins in your diet that you can reduce the amount of carbs you take in which will assist you in weight loss? Yes, you heard me, so go jump on the chicken ban-wagon! There are so many ways to make chicken that you actually could eat it every night and not get sick of it.

Potatoes; Can potatoes help you lose weight? Yes and No, not just any potatoes, sweet potatoes! They keep your blood sugar levels stable while giving your metabolism a jump start.

Avocados are truly considered a fat, so you wonder, "why is she saying to eat avocados then?" We'll, yes it is true that they are considered a fat, however, they are a very healthy fat. Did you know that your body needs these healthy fats to use as energy to promote fat burning?

Blueberries; these little fellas are loaded with antioxidants and they are also low in sugar and great for a healthy low calorie snack!

Green Tea; I certainly don't like tea but it has been known to help speed up your metabolism and keep you super energized which in turn burns more calories throughout the day.

With this being said, isn't it about time you made changes in your life and diet to be a 'better YOU?'

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