Friday, November 4, 2011

What do your Panties say about 'YOU?'

We all love to look and feel pretty, sensual and sexy. A women needs to feel confident from the inside out. We all dress ourselves to reflect our personalities, fashion, shape, and beauty everyday; whether we do so consciously or not. Our taste for things are found in our accessories choices, attire, and even lingerie!

 After much research myelf getting into the lingerie business, I learned a few things;

 Here are some hints about your personality that your lingerie says about you:

The colour of cupid which also stands for sexy and hot seductress, and when a woman has this color on it will drive their mate insane. If you have red lingerie in your closet – it could mean that you’re not only a romantic, but someone expresses their love and passion freely. You value your relationships highly. You’re also a woman of personal power.
Black: A shade of drama and flair. Women that wear black lingerie are said to have a certain allure - a woman of mystery. She is someone that appreciates things that are classic – but looks for spontaneity. She’s decisive, bold and out to make a statement. You love it because she looks hot in it.

Flirtatious and youthful. If you have pink undergarments you are probably someone that has a youthful spirit and is full of energy. You have that certain "je ne sais quoi" that keeps the men guessing. Your playful by nature and love expressing who you are.
Innocent and pure of heart. You’re a lovable trustworthy woman that believes her man is worthy of her. Simple and chic, white is a timeless classic that never goes out of style. It is classy, and sexy, soft and men love it if worn in the proper manner.

A recent study conducted by a top psychologist has suggested that a woman’s choice of underwear says a great deal about her personality and the type of lover that she’s likely to be- so guys, you might want to read on…
Apparently, as far as colour is concerned, women don’t simply choose underwear which matches the outfits which they have in mind or which offers convenience, as the subconscious has a huge role in the purchase process.

The survey also found that the days where a large proportion of women opted for plain  are now firmly in the past, with nude lingerie being the shade of choice for over 70% of those questioned.

Have a quick rummage through your lingerie drawer and take a peek at what the colour of your underwear could be saying about you…

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